Piyumi Madushani
4 min readJul 20, 2019


Hello my dear friends, I think you remember I have introduced you a fantastic decentralized gaming platform in my previous article. Here’s the link in case you missed it:


From this article, I’m going to introduce you to its DAB token and DAB token mining.

#Dapps #DABANKING #DAB #Blockchain #ETH


DAB token is the token that will run the DABANKING platform and DAB is used as a token platform for the development of DABANKING platform. Remember, DABANKING is planning to create their own blockchain and when this is finally done, this DAB token will in the nearest future be swapped to DABANKING blockchain from ETHEREUM blockchain.

DAB is the foundation for Dabanking’s community development and will be swapped to Dabanking’s own blockchain when Dabanking blockchain is officially announced. The maximum total supply of the DAB token in smart contract is 200000000 DAB and the only way to obtain DAB tokens is to use “Mining wallet”. Everyone have to obtain DAB tokens through mining that is same for users and developers too.


DAB mining is not complicated technology, after understanding the method it is a very simple task. Here’s how to mine DAB tokens successfully.

To mine DAB tokens you need few things first. First thing is you need to buy a “TREASURY PACKAGE” This packaged can be bought with a minimum amount of $200 worth of ETH. Also according to Developer’s, users can buy up to a maximum amount of $5000 worth of treasury package.

The developer will have a function in Dapp to set the maximum value of the packaged that can be purchased at different times.

DAB Token Mining Structure


There are 3 types of energy wallets that need to be concerned to be able to exploit the DAB token. They are;

Gold Wallet

Green Wallet

Mining Wallet

When you activate a Treasury Package the Gold Wallet will be added 800% of the value of the Package you purchased, and the Green Wallet Will be added 200% of the package value at first purchase and 100% of the value of the package from the second purchase onward.

Look at this example if you don’t understand.

Example: If a user buy a Treasury Package for the first time for a value of $1000, user will have $8000 in “Gold Wallet” & $2000 in “Green Wallet” for the first purchase. Every day “Mining Wallet” will receive 0.5% of the value of Green Wallet and Green Wallet will decrease each day after day deducting the amount flowing to the “Mining Wallet” on the previous day.

Assume you buy a $1000 Treasury Package.

Now you have $8000 in Gold Wallet & $2000 in Green Wallet. (If this is the first purchase)

Day 1: 0.5% of $2000 is $10 will flow through Mining Wallet and Green Wallet remaining $1990
Day 2: 0.5% of $1990 is $9.95 will flow through
Mining Wallet and Green Wallet remaining $1980.05
Day 3: 0.5% of $1980.05 is $9.90025 will flow through
Mining Wallet and Green Wallet remaining $1970.14975
This will repeat every day until
Green Wallet volume goes to zero.

Amazing right? There are many things that are more interesting than this.


DABANKING inspired by perpetual motion theory to build strategies for distribution of DAB token and for the development of future game applications. Dabanking team target to create a better community and focus on project development at all times. Their development team truly believes that there would be a huge attraction from the community to inspire participation.
Mining DAB is a simple but promising thing.

In case you want to find out more about DABANKING and DAB mining please make use of the links below.

#Dapps #DABANKING #DAB #Blockchain #ETH

Website: https://dabanking.io/

Author’s bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2646618

