Mercedes Benz Android Developer Interview Experience.

Piyush Sinha
3 min readJun 29, 2022


In this article, I will be sharing my interview experiences with MBRDI Banglore.

How did I get the opportunity?

I got the opportunity through LinkedIn. I saw a post on LinkedIn regarding an opening for Android Developer, So I contacted the post author for a referral.

Interview Process

It consisted of 3 rounds( 2 Technical Round + 1 Manager Round).

(Here’s one weird part is all the interview is not scheduled by HR but it’s scheduled by the person who refers me)

First Round (45 min) - Technical

This round consists of Basic Android and DS/Algo.

Android Question

  1. Lifecycle on Fragment
  2. Difference between all Visibility modifiers. (open, internal, private, and public)
  3. What is the Advantage of MVVM architecture over MVP and why do we follow any architecture?
  4. Question on Inheritance
  5. What is foreground service? Difference between foreground and background services.
  6. Some advantages of Kotlin.
  7. Question to implement builder pattern.

DS/Algo Question

They ask only one very basic DS/Algo question.

1. Find the Missing Number

You are given a list of n-1 integers and these integers are in the range of 1 to n. There are no duplicates in the list. One of the integers is missing from the list. Write a code to find the missing integer.

After that, they called me on the same day that this round is cleared and asked when we can schedule a second round

Second Round (45 min) - Technical

This round also consisted of Android and DS/Algo questions.

Android Question

  1. How Viewmodel internally works?
  2. What is Abstract class?
  3. Lifecycle of fragments when you call add and replace while changing fragments.
  4. Types of launch modes and their difference
  5. Kotlin Extension function
  6. How to implement the Observer pattern.
  7. Internal working of LiveData
  8. Some questions on Coroutines. What are coroutines, Why do we use coroutines and scopes of Coroutines?

DS/Algo Question

1. Remove duplicates from the sorted array

Given a sorted array, the task is to remove the duplicate elements from the array.

After this, they called me on the same day that this round is cleared and asked when we can schedule the last round?

Last Round (45 min) - Managerial

This round consists of some typical behavioral questions.

  1. Why Mercedes?
  2. Some new skills you learned in the last 6 months. (Other than Technical)
  3. Will you join if we don’t give a hike on your current compensation (Weird Question)
  4. What are your weaknesses?
  5. Asked if I can work on different technology like IOS, BE, etc?
  6. And some more discussion on work culture.

After this round, they called me and asked about my salary expectation and current compensation.


I got the offer from MBRDI but the compensation they are offering was not meeting my expectation (Only a 13% hike on my current compensation) and they or not ready to negotiate, that’s why I have to decline the offer.

I hope I was able to explain the entire process at MBRDI for the Android Developer role.

Feel free to connect if you have any doubts, feedback, or even otherwise!

