GSoC Week 4 and Week 5

Piyush Vijay
1 min readJun 21, 2018


It’s been 5 weeks now working with phpMyAdmin under the Google Summer of Codes 2018 program. I have successfully passed the first evaluation.

During these two weeks and including this week also, my main objective was to modularize the Navigation, Error Report, PMA Console, Import and Export and the configuration file so that the configuration of these pages can be checked and settings can be changed with the modular code.

Right now I am working on inline javascript coming from the php classes containing the the configuration of the particular page which were injected in the container showing the body of html. These configurations need to be imported in the module from window of document and then used in the modular code so that any change in the setting of the page or any saved setting can be compared with new changed or setting user is going to made on the settings page and on PMA Navigation.

Regarding the Feedback from Mentor:

As per the feedback, the mentors had given, I will try to push the quality code on the pull request by the end of this week or by the mid of the coming week after making successful changes and testing of the above mentioned files,which can be reviewed.

