Embedded SQL VS Dynamic SQL

4 min readMay 2, 2023



Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language used to manage and manipulate data in relational databases. There are two main approaches to using SQL in applications: Embedded SQL and Dynamic SQL. In this blog, we will discuss the differences between these two approaches, including their advantages and disadvantages, and when each one is appropriate.

Embedded SQL:

Embedded SQL is a programming technique that allows SQL statements to be embedded within the source code of an application. This means that SQL statements are included in the same file as the application code, and are compiled along with the rest of the code. This approach allows applications to interact with databases directly using SQL, without requiring a separate layer of code to be written to interface with the database.

Embedded SQL works by providing special syntax that allows SQL statements to be embedded within the application code. The syntax varies depending on the programming language and database management system being used but typically involves placing SQL statements within special comment markers or using preprocessor commands to indicate the presence of SQL statements. The SQL statements are then processed by a preprocessor tool, which generates code that can be compiled along with the rest of the application.

One advantage of Embedded SQL is that it can improve performance by reducing the overhead associated with preparing and executing SQL statements. Because the SQL statements are compiled into the application’s code, there is no need to prepare and execute them at runtime. This can result in faster execution times, especially for applications that must execute the same SQL statements repeatedly. Another advantage of Embedded SQL is that it can improve security by preventing SQL injection attacks. SQL injection attacks occur when an attacker inserts malicious SQL code into an application’s input fields. This can be prevented by using Embedded SQL, as the SQL statements are compiled into the application’s code and cannot be modified at runtime.

However, one disadvantage of Embedded SQL is that it can be more difficult to maintain and modify than Dynamic SQL. Because the SQL statements are embedded in the application’s code, any changes to the SQL statements require a recompilation of the application. This can be time-consuming and may require specialized knowledge of the application’s codebase.

Dynamic SQL:

Dynamic SQL is a technique that involves generating SQL statements at runtime. These statements are constructed based on the input provided by the user or application and are executed using a SQL interpreter. Dynamic SQL can be used to execute complex SQL queries or to support user-defined queries. This approach provides greater flexibility in generating and modifying SQL statements, making it well-suited for applications that require dynamic or ad-hoc querying. In Dynamic SQL, SQL statements are constructed as strings or character arrays and then executed using an API call to the database management system. This allows the application to generate SQL statements based on user input, changing application requirements, or other factors that require dynamic SQL statement generation.

One advantage of Dynamic SQL is that it can be more flexible and easier to maintain than Embedded SQL. Because the SQL statements are generated at runtime, they can be easily modified or customized based on the needs of the application. This can make it easier to add new features or functionality to an application, without requiring a recompilation of the code.Another advantage of Dynamic SQL is that it can be used to support user-defined queries. This allows users to create their own SQL queries, which can be useful in data analysis or reporting applications.

However, one disadvantage of Dynamic SQL is that it can be slower than Embedded SQL, especially for applications that need to execute the same SQL statements repeatedly. This is because Dynamic SQL requires the SQL statements to be prepared and executed at runtime, which can add overhead to the application’s execution time.


When to use Embedded SQL:

Embedded SQL is best suited for applications that must execute the same SQL statements repeatedly, such as in high-performance systems or mission-critical applications. It can also be useful in situations where security is a concern, as the SQL statements are compiled into the application’s code and cannot be modified at runtime. Embedded SQL is particularly well-suited for applications that require low latency and high throughputs, such as financial trading systems or telecommunications networks. In these applications, even small improvements in performance can have a significant impact on the system’s overall performance.

When to use Dynamic SQL:

Dynamic SQL is best suited for applications that require flexibility, such as data analysis or reporting applications. It can also be useful in situations where users need to create their own SQL queries, as it allows for the creation of user-defined queries. Dynamic SQL is particularly well-suited for applications that require ad-hoc querying or that need to support multiple database platforms. In these applications, the ability to generate SQL statements at runtime can make it easier to create and execute complex queries.


In summary, both Embedded SQL and Dynamic SQL have their advantages and disadvantages. Embedded SQL can be faster and more secure, but it can be more difficult to maintain and modify. Dynamic SQL can be more flexible and easier to maintain, but it can be slower and more vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

The choice between Embedded SQL and Dynamic SQL depends on the specific needs of the application. If performance and security are top priorities, Embedded SQL may be the better choice. If flexibility and ease of maintenance are more important, Dynamic SQL may be the better choice. Ultimately, it is up to the developer to determine which approach is best suited for their application.


Harsh Uike

Rauf Jamadar

Piyush Kakade

