List of Top10 Famous Food In Germany

Food Lovers
6 min readNov 6, 2019


Are you searching for Famous Food In Germany. Here is the List Of Top 10 Most Popular Food In Germany.

1. Bratwurst


BratwurstIt is not surprising that already in second place we have a dish made of pork. Bratwürste are part of every German barbeque and also differs from area to area. The most famous food in Germany is Bratwürste. To make it Grill your Bratwurst for 2 minutes on each side, put it in a bun, add some ketchup or mustard and ready is this iconic German dish called Bratwurstsemmel. Outside of Nürnberg Bratwürste are bigger and contains more fat. The tasty and deliciousBratwürste comes from the area around Frankfurt. But no matter which size, Bratwürste is part of every occasion and party.

2. Bratkartoffeln

Bratkartoffeln is the top 2 famous dish in Germany sometimes are referred to as ‘Kartoffeln’ as a joke because it seems that every day a German is having at least one dish which contains Kartoffeln. While this stereotype is untrue, it is true that Bratkartoffeln is an outstanding way of intake your portion of Kartoffeln in Germany. Slice up some boiled potatoes, slice them thinly, put them in a frying pan with a lot of oil, bacon, and onions and fry them until they turn dark and crispy. Similar to Spätzle Bratkartoffeln make for a very tasty side for many meaty dishes such as Schnitzel or Sauerbraten. Not the healthiest option on our Top 10 famous things to eat in Germany but definitely not the worst as well.

3. Spätzle — Traditional Swabian Egg Noodles


Yes, you have read correctly, Germans use beer even to make our food tastier.

Spätzle are original to the area of South-Western Germany, Baden-Württemberg, but can usually, be found on the menu in any German restaurant. Be careful, Swabians are very proud of their Spätzle, so better not call them German pasta.

Traditionally Spätzle are served as a side for meaty dishes (like Schnitzel), but they can also, be the main dish.

4. Gulasch


GulaschOne could argue that Gulasch is not really a German invention. But nevertheless the Germans love their Gulasch and they may have taken the unique recipes and turned them into some variation of their own. Gulasch is prepared with thick pieces of beef meat that has been slow-cooked in a rich sauce, sometimes made of red wine, which makes the meat very soft and tender. This dish is the most popular food in Germany.

5. Sauerbraten


Sauerbraten is a most famous german dish that you will generally get served on special occasions and festivals. For making a Sauerbraten, you will need some high-quality pieces of beef and a lot of time. The meat is put in the oven and cooked slowly in its juices for hours and hours. But the slow cooking in low heat will make the meat incredibly soft and tender. Traditionally Spätzle is a great side dish for Sauerbraten as the perfectly soak up all the juices and the sauce to add for even more flavor.

6. Rouladen


Rouladen is the most famous food in Germany. If you ever want to cook Rouladen yourself we strongly advise you to go to the butcher and ask him for some ready-made Rouladen in order to save you a lot of work. If you want to prepare them the traditional way you need some thinly sliced beef, put some mustard, onions, ham and a pickle inside, roll them up and put them in the oven to cook in a sauce for some hours. But there are hundreds of different recipes going around for Rouladen. One tasty variation, for example, is Rouladen greek style with Feta cheese inside. Rouladen are extremely tasty but unfortunately, they are very time consuming to prepare.

7. Currywurst


CurrywurstAnother sausage in the top 7 of our Top 10 famous foods in Germany list. The world-famous Currywurst is a true Berlin original. Invented in Berlin by Herta Heuwer in 1949 the Currywurst is usually made of a pork sausage either wrapped in ‘Darm’ (better not to Google what Darm means as otherwise, this might put you off a bit) or without Darm. Cut into thin slices the sausage is covered in a mix of Ketchup spiced up with some curry powder. And ready is your first German Currywurst. Traditionally Currywurst will be served accompanied by french fries or plain white bread. Believe it or not but in Berlin, there is even a museum that is completely dedicated to Currywurst. Berliners really are very serious about their Currywurst. This is a tough one, as you need to understand that Currywurst is a very sensitive topic in Berlin and the city is still divided into East and West about this topic.

8. Schnitzel


Wiener Schnitzel KaDeWe The most famous food in Germany is Schnitzel is definitely the Wiener Schnitzel. A Wiener Schnitzel is a thinly sliced piece of veal-meat, covered with flour, egg and bread crumbs and then deep-fried in oil or a lot of butter until it turns golden on the outside. Another tasty version of this dish is the Schnitzel Wiener Art, which is basically the same but with pork meat. So be aware of the difference between a Wiener Schnitzel (veal) and a Schnitzel Wiener Art (pork). But there are many more options on how to prepare a Schnitzel, which range from chicken breast to soja to blocks of cheese. We are open to discussion here who really invented the Schnitzel, may it be the Austrians (after all the Wiener Schnitzel is called after their capitol) or even the Italians with their love of Escalopes. But maybe, just maybe, it has been a German invention after all. Who knows?

9. Maultaschen


MaultaschenRumour has it that back in the days some monks, who were not allowed to eat any meat during feasting, covered some meat in a kind of a pasta dough so that God could not see that they are eating meat. This way the German Maultaschen were invented by some monks trying to sneak in some meat without getting caught by their god.No matter if that story is true or not but believe us when we say that this Swabian dish is another popular Germany dish thing to try while in Germany.

10. Leberkäse


Leberkäse is another popular dish in Germany made of pork meat is Leberkäse. Leberkäse is usually rather served as a snack during the day rather than a real meal. Leberkäse is a type of sausage that can be cooked in the oven for a long time, then sliced and served with white bread and sweet mustard. Very delicious and tasty but also very heavy and probably not the healthiest of all German foods.

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