Test Anxiety

1 min readJul 20, 2023


Test anxiety is a psychological condition causing extreme distress and anxiety in test situations, affecting individuals’ performance. Common symptoms include physical symptoms like headaches, nausea, sweating, and panic attacks, as well as emotional symptoms like stress, fear, helplessness, disappointment, and negative thoughts. High-achieving students may struggle with test anxiety due to difficulty dealing with mistakes or perceived failure. To manage test anxiety, individuals can develop effective study habits, practice relaxation techniques, seek support from teachers, counselors, or support services, use positive self-talk, and maintain physical health through exercise, nutrition, and sleep.

Test anxiety is a psychological condition causing extreme distress and affecting performance. Common symptoms include physical and emotional symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, sweating, and panic attacks. High-achieving students may struggle with test anxiety due to difficulty dealing with mistakes or perceived failure. TalktoAngel, an online platform, offers quality test anxiety counseling and therapy to help individuals cope with exam stress. Their team of experienced counselors and therapists provide a supportive environment for exploring anxiety triggers, developing coping mechanisms, and learning relaxation techniques. TalktoAngel personalized counseling plans address individual needs and goals, ensuring clients effectively manage and reduce test anxiety symptoms.

Test anxiety is a psychological condition causing extreme distress and affecting performance.

