Memory leaks in react.js

Piyush Singh
6 min readFeb 8, 2023

A memory leak is a situation where an application continues to use memory even after it is no longer needed. This can cause the application to slow down, become unresponsive, or even crash.

Memory leaks can occur when an application fails to properly release memory that is no longer needed. This can happen when objects are created but never deleted, or when objects are referenced but no longer needed.

Memory Leaks in React.js Applications

Memory leaks in React.js applications can occur when components are not properly unmounted when they are no longer needed.

For example, if a component is rendering data that changes over time (such as a timer), and the component is not properly cleaned up when it is unmounted, it will continue to run and use memory even though it is no longer needed.

To prevent memory leaks in React.js applications, it is important to ensure that components are properly unmounted when they are no longer needed.

There are several common causes of memory leaks in React.js applications:

Uncontrolled components:

Uncontrolled components, such as text inputs and forms, can cause memory leaks if they are not properly managed. For example, if a component has a text input that is not cleaned up when the component is unmounted, it will continue to hold onto memory even though it is no longer needed.

For example

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const Example = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
// Clean up logic here
console.log('Unmounting component');
}, []);

return (
onChange={e => setValue(}

export default Example;

In this example, the component uses a state hook to keep track of the input's value. However, it does not have any cleanup logic when the component is unmounted. If the component is not properly cleaned up, it will continue to hold onto memory even though it is no longer needed.

Timers and Intervals:

If a component is using timers or intervals that are not properly cleaned up when the component is unmounted, it will continue to run and use memory even though they are no longer needed.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const Example = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
setCount(count + 1);
}, 1000);

return () => {
}, [count]);

return (

export default Example;

In this example, the component sets up an interval that updates the count state. When the component is unmounted, the interval is cleaned up by calling clearInterval().

Event listeners:

If a component is registering event listeners that are not properly removed when the component is unmounted, they will continue to use memory even though they are no longer needed.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const Example = () => {
const [width, setWidth] = useState(window.innerWidth);
useEffect(() => {
const handleResize = () => {
window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);

return () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize);
}, []);

return (
<p>Window width: {width}</p>

export default Example;

In this example, the component registers an event listener that updates the width state whenever the window is resized. When the component is unmounted, the event listener is cleaned up by calling removeEventListener().

By following these best practices and using code snippets like the ones shown above, you can help prevent memory leaks in your React.js applications and ensure that they are performant and reliable.

Network Requests:

If a component is making network requests that are not properly canceled when the component is unmounted, it will continue to use memory even though they are no longer needed.

Improper use of state:

If a component is using state improperly, it can cause memory leaks. For example, if a component is storing large amounts of data in a state that is not needed, it will continue to use memory even though the data is no longer needed.

How to detect memory leaks in react js?

There are several tools and techniques you can use to detect memory leaks in your React.js applications:

  1. Performance Profiling: You can use the performance profiling tools provided by modern browsers, such as the Chrome DevTools Performance panel, to identify areas of your application that are consuming large amounts of memory.
  2. React DevTools: The React DevTools browser extension provides a detailed view of your React component tree, including information about how much memory each component is consuming.
  3. React’s Profiler: The React Profiler is a built-in tool that allows you to measure the performance of your React application. You can use it to identify components that are taking too long to render and may be causing memory leaks.
  4. Heap Snapshots: You can use heap snapshots to get a detailed view of the memory consumption of your application at a specific point in time. This can help you identify the source of a memory leak and determine what needs to be done to fix it.
  5. Custom memory profiling: If you need more granular control over memory profiling, you can write custom code to monitor and measure the memory usage of your React components. This can give you a deeper understanding of how your application is consuming the memory and help you identify memory leaks more easily.

By using these tools and techniques, you can detect memory leaks in your React.js applications and take steps to resolve them. It’s important to regularly monitor your application’s memory usage to ensure that it remains performant and free from leaks over time.

Once you have detected a memory leak in your React.js application, there are several strategies you can use to handle it:

  1. Use shouldComponentUpdate() lifecycle method: This method allows you to control when a component should re-render. By implementing this method and returning false when certain conditions are met, you can prevent unnecessary re-renders and reduce the chances of a memory leak.
  2. Avoid retaining unused references: It’s important to clean up any references to objects or components that are no longer needed. This can help prevent memory leaks by freeing up memory that would otherwise be retained by these references.
  3. Use memoization: Memoization is a technique that caches the result of a function so that it doesn’t need to be recalculated every time the component re-renders. This can improve the performance of your application and reduce the chances of a memory leak.
  4. Use WeakMap: WeakMap is a data structure that allows you to associate an object with a key, but unlike a Map, it doesn’t prevent the key or the object from being garbage collected. You can use this data structure to associate objects with components, and ensure that the objects are cleaned up when the components are unmounted.
  5. Use the useEffect() hook correctly: The useEffect() hook is a powerful tool for managing side-effects in your React components, but it can also lead to memory leaks if not used correctly. To avoid memory leaks, make sure to clean up any subscriptions or timeouts in the useEffect() cleanup function.

By using these strategies and following best practices, you can effectively handle memory leaks in your React.js applications and keep your application running smoothly and efficiently.

