Green Energy: Simply Ponderous

2 min readJan 26, 2012


In one of the LinkedIn Energy Forums I’m a member of (Linked:Energy — great forum by the way), question was posed: “Will green energy ever become the primary energy source?” This elicited a lot of commentary (Over 280 posts including one from yours truly) and even more discussions about defining green energy. The commenters all had great points, insights and passion about various technologies and political and business influence. As I reflect on the lively discussion, it makes me think how far we’ve come in just a decade. While some of the renewable technologies (solar, wind, hydro, etc.) have been around for some time, we’re finally getting to the point where adoption has increased and system costs are starting to come down. According to Ken Bossong, from SUN DAY Campaign, “Renewables now provide 12% of domestic energy production, 14% more than 2010; and renewable electrical output increased 25%, which contributes to 13% of U.S. power” (see Renewable Energy World article: ). Yes, it will take some time to get the pricing down to where average consumers can take advantage of clean energy, but it seems we’re headed in the right direction. Right now, we need all the energy resources we can get our hands on. Our appetite for electricity will not be abated — think data centers, recharging millions of smart phones, iPads and the like. And, don’t forget about the advent of electric cars. Luckily, the evolution of the Smart Grid brings hope for a more intelligent electrical distribution system that will incorporate not only renewables and smarter instrumentation and monitoring, but faster and more secure communication networks and home area networks.

While the momentum for green energy adoption marches forward, energy efficient technologies are taking hold. From energy efficient computers, IT/networking gear and even the products that protect equipment from power outages are all much more efficient than a decade ago. While not as exciting as solar or wind or the myriad of other renewable technologies, being smarter and more efficient with our energy use is the best way to start on the path to energy independence. Baby steps will lead to giant leaps.

What do you think?

Happy marketing,

PJ Jennings, President

Jennings & Associates Communications

