Project Jaguar’s New Pricing Plans — What they mean for teachers like you

Project Jaguar
3 min readAug 7, 2019


The pricing of our Individual plans

Project Jaguar released new pricing plans for teachers and institutions. This update on their website makes it possible for teachers to subscribe for premium features such as:

  • Running multiple courses under 1 account.
  • Getting a “Verified Teacher” account status, which lets students know you are teaching numerous courses and you are one of our teacherpreneurs.
  • Having multiple co-teachers per course.
  • Teaching large amounts of students, even setting up cohorts.
  • Increased storage in your courses, which allows for more content to teach and use in your courses.

The “Co-teachers” feature is relatively new to Project Jaguar. On any course you are running, click “Edit > Enrollments” and you will see a green button with an image of a person. This gives someone the opportunity to help teach your class. This feature has many possibilities, a few that we had in mind are as follows:

  • It allows teachers to hire other teachers to co-teach their course. This allows the teachers to focus on content creation.
  • Co-teachers can add this experience to their Teaching Portfolio which is built into the site. This allows potential employers to take a peek at a teacher’s experience on and off the platform.

Project Jaguar has plans to incorporate new features for teachers that are on “The Teacherpreneur Package”. The subscription model allows for Project Jaguar to finance these features with no cost-change to current and future teachers.

The All-new Enterprise Version

Our new Enterprise Pricing Plans

The Enterprise plans are designed to enable online teaching for ambitious institutions and teachers who are ready to create an online presence. If you are a school or institution, you can take advantage of our enterprise pricing plans. Project Jaguar is very focused on facilitating schools that want to offer an online version of their schooling, and have ambitions to reach & teach students internationally.

These plans are “Lifetime” packages. This means, once you’ve purchased this plan, it’s permanent for your account. Some Enterprise-specific features include:

  • A custom landing page for your institution, similar to this one, done by Harvard University. You will have the full capabilities to customize this.
  • A “Verified Institution” badge for your account which lets students know that they are looking at courses from a school/university.
  • A designated support representative.

While this version is very beneficial for schools and universities, this is not always ideal for certain use-cases. The Enterprise Version of Project Jaguar is NOT ideal for:

  • Government schools & institutions who want to use the package to manage their internal operations such as enrollments, grade books, teachers, and payroll.
  • Government schools & institutions that want to REPLACE physical classes with the tools provided in the package.

Using our enterprise packages inside a government institution without permission may result in discrepancies with your local Ministry/Department of Education. Our platform is not built to manage the day-to-day operations of a government institution. For those purposes, we would recommend checking out our sister company, SmartTerm and their products.



Project Jaguar

The home of teacherpreneurs. Find a course or start your own online education business with us!