Building URL shortener using React, Apollo, and GraphQL — Part II

Peter Jausovec
Published in
6 min readDec 30, 2017


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Table of Contents

Part II: Creating short URLs

In the part of this series we will create a React component and corresponding queries for creating Links. We will also implement the client-side hashing function and create a GraphQL subscription to automatically refresh the list of links as soon as a new one is created.

The code for this project is available on GitHub if you want to use it as a starting point. Note that the code might not be in-sync as I will be updating it as I am writing the remaining parts of this series.

Link Component

Let’s create a file src/components/CreateShortLink.js and define the UI for creating short links. The component has two inputs, one for the URL and one for a description, and a button that actually creates the link. Both values are stored in component state and can be retrieved when create button is clicked.

