Excuse Me, Madam, Did I Hear You Say That Comes With a Donkey?

Fantasy Fiction This or That Challenge

PJ Jackelman
3 min readApr 21, 2023
Image by Anna from Pixabay

I may have lost focus.

When Jacinta Palmer put out the call for a palate cleansing This or That challenge, I couldn’t resist. Admittedly, I got a little hung up on Barney the Purple Dinosaur versus dragons.

Again, when perusing donkey pics.

And we don’t need to talk about that Sidney Powell bit.

Now that I’m done and my palate is thoroughly cleansed, I’m good to do some reading. Yay!

Thank you, Jacinta. ;)

  1. Dystopian or Enchanted: Dystopian. No…wait. Okay. Yeah. Dystopian.
  2. Vampire or Dragon: Animal lover — a dragon for sure. Unless it’s purple and takes to the song. Or is that moron a dinosaur? Then feed it to the vampire. Okay. So, dragon as long as it doesn’t sing. Wait. It can sing, but it needs to know more than one song. And no country. A dragon lamenting about it’s broken down Ford is just not cool.
  3. Sword or Bolt of Fire from your Fingers: Finger bolts because I won’t lose that. I’m forgetful. I’d likely arrive at the battle and realize my sword was still on the southbound bus. That would be awkward.
  4. Mind Reading or Crystal Ball: Mind…



PJ Jackelman

In love with writing about monsters — the human variety. Turning ‘finding my voice’ into a lifestyle.