How To Use Positive Affirmations Daily With The Law Of Attraction

5 min readAug 6, 2020

The Law of Attraction experts almost universally recommend using positive affirmations. However, perhaps you are struggling to design affirmations that work for you. Alternatively, perhaps you are new to the law of attraction and are unsure how to start using positive daily affirmations in the most productive way to program your subconscious mind. Although you may know that they are going to be a powerful tool, you might not just understand how confirmation works best and are concerned that you are limiting your expressive capacity.

If the experience of your positive affirmations has been hopeless, misleading, overwhelming, or awkward, then you are not alone. The good news is that you can actually find a way to make them work for you! Meanwhile, if you are just learning about affirmation and fearfulness, then this guide should help to demolish the concept.

What are Positive Affirmations (or Self-Affirmations)?

In simple words, the definition of affirmation (sometimes called “self-affirmation”) to construct self-confidence in the subconscious mind is the positive sentence that you are using to ‘repeat yourself’. This means effectively writing a list of affirmations that inspire and motivate you to improve and help overcome internal obstacles and self-doubt.

When you first start saying these phrases, they may not necessarily be true. But they should be designed to reflect what you want to be true. You need to make them powerful and unique about who and what you want to be. Then, over time, frequent repetitions of daily positive affirmations will help to re-known your inner beliefs and beliefs about yourself and the world around you. This reshuffle gives you a more positive perception of who you are and where you stand. So most importantly, you really have to believe an affirmation to be true.

According to the law of attraction, what you think and feel shapes your reality. The power of confirmation lies first in their ability to change the outer world by changing your inner. In addition, you can use affirmations for all types of goals, from confidence to career success, love, and abundance. They only have limitations that you place on them.

Positive Influence: How can they change the way you think?

As noted above, the majority of the law of attraction practitioners use daily affirmations to replace old limiting beliefs. As new, more positive beliefs form in your mind, it becomes progressively easier to get what you want in life, no matter what it is.

However, daily affirmations are also proven to change your way of thinking in many other ways. In fact, psychologists and neurologists are increasingly interested in how positive affirmations affect the brain and subconscious mind. Some of the proven benefits of daily affirmations include the following…

Top benefits of daily affirmation

Research on affirmation suggests that when you are stressed, you can boost your problem-solving skills by using self-affirmation. Therefore, confirmation can help you perform better. This is especially useful in situations such as job interviews and first dates!

Daily affirmations help you vibrate in alignment abundance rather than lack. This can help you manifest your law of attraction goals at an even faster rate.
Affirmations make you more aware of your thought processes. Greater awareness is more likely to challenge the negative thoughts you generate. It also enhances your self-knowledge, making you better at knowing what you really want in life.

Positive affirmations re-engage you with feelings of gratitude and increase your perspective on the good things in life. This can boost your happiness, as well as the frequency of your vibration.

Recent research indicates that optimistic people have better heart health. So if your affirmations make you more optimistic, they can help you live longer.
In short, self-affirmation is good for your body and your subconscious mind. In fact, many people use them even when they do not actively work with the law of attraction. By changing your way of thinking, they can help you gradually change your whole life.

Using affirmation for success and prosperity

Affirmations Are very popular for success and prosperity in the business world. You often see him mentioned in the Law of Attraction Success Stories about people who went from rags to riches! They are an important weapon against our tendency to self-sabotage.

For example, you might be “I’m confident, capable, and trying to get everything I set my mind to”. For an extra stroke of energy, try to adopt a power stance saying this affirmation! Just spread your legs and place your hands on your hips.

Seeing motivational quotes that pump your heart and inspire you is a great way to combine you with success.

(If you would like some additional help with affirmation examples, I have used these techniques and it completely transformed my life. I was completely surprised with the results is got)

Law of attraction attraction

Some of the most powerful motives are brought to life most prominently by understanding and using the Law of Attraction method. The law of attraction focuses too much on limiting your sub-conscious mind and training the often harmful beliefs that occur in our midst during our lives.

So the Law of Attraction specifically targets areas of your life that need to be improved and helps you believe that you can actually attract all your dreams by improving self-perception. They have also designed to ensure that you keep a constant focus on your thoughts and behaviors as your day progresses. And by becoming more conscious of the way you feel yourself, it helps to counter the limiting beliefs that would otherwise creep in to create a negative reality.

An example of the law of attraction, the law that can be adjusted to suit you:

“I am attracting a better, happier life every day, and I believe the Universe to give me what I want.” “.

To make it more powerful is to transmit your mind to specific elements of affirmation.

For example “I am attracting a better, happier life every day, and I should help the Universe know what I want.”

Lewis Hay Affirmations

Finally, if you want to find an affirmation expert it is well worth reading Lewis Haye’s work. Renowned for his inspirational quotes and his popular book “Power Thoughts: 365 Daily Affirmations”, Lewis Haye has helped hundreds of people find love, abundance, happiness, and success.

For example, try some of the following positive daily affirmations:

“I accept my power.”
“All areas of my life are abundant and filling.”
“Any experience that I have is perfect for my growth.”
“I deserve to be loved. There is love all around me.”

Complimentary audio Maricle meditation guide
Now that you have a basic understanding of positive affirmations and how they can affect your life, I recommend you to download your bonus meditation! Completely free, this meditation guide will help you to transform your life for good. It will help you awaken your mind to positive change, abundance, and expression.

