10 min readAug 22, 2020

August 20, 2020 by admin

Most people know the entire concept of the Law of Attraction, or manifest from the book or movie “The Secret”, and therefore many believe that the LOA is a modern creation. But this is not true. For this reason, I wanted to clear up this misconception, with this insight into the history of the law of attraction, to answer you; Where is the law of attraction coming from…

The Law of Attraction is one of the 12 universal laws that you should know when you want to manifest your dreams. Here you find observations with all 12 universal laws.

So where is the law of attraction coming from? The law of attraction is, in fact, more than a hundred years old. And not modern construction at all. Learn in this Take History book, along with the concept of the Law of Attraction, that “order in the universe” or to reveal what you want is not a new thing and much older than “The Secret”.

How old is the law of attraction really

The law of attraction is most likely that you are reading this. And for the rest; congratulation! Please send me the secret of your life! Ordering from the universe works well for you!

With the Law of Attraction, it is similar to every other major discovery. It has been around forever, but it needed some time to become established and even become mainstream.

We are in a time where the concept of “you make your reality” is just before its complete success. In a few years from now, it will be a part of all our lives, and it will seem strange, that there was a time when we did not know (much) about it.

The law of attraction would probably stand the same as the law of gravity or the world being round.

But for now, let’s take a look when the world really started recognizing this amazing concept.

LOA is not new to you, but you struggle with the fact, that this whole expression thing is not working for you? So read this post here, How How Attraction Finally Works For You!

1906 — The beginning of the law of attraction

(As we know today)

The term Law of Attraction was introduced by author and publisher William Walker Atkinson in 1906, releasing his new thought movement book: “Thought Vibration or Law of Attraction of the Thought World”.

He was brave enough to use the word “vibrate” (use a very scary word for any other writer to understand back then). His work introduced concepts of thought, energy, vibration, and expression in a broad and elaborate manner.

He was the first to explain the importance and power of love to manifest desires (sometimes humorously: “… so much love but one thing at a time — don’t be a psychic hormone”).

1910 — First phase of a new concept

In 1910 Wallace Delois Wattles published his famous book “The Science of Getting Rich”.

Wallace D. Vottles explained the creative role in the expression process and elaborated on the universal role of energy as “the stuff out of which all things are made.”

Wallace D. Vottles first dedicated a single chapter to the concept of gratitude as a tool to support the practitioner’s expressive work. As he explained: “The money they receive will be in exact proportion to the certainty of their vision, the purity of their purpose, the stability of their faith and the depth of their gratitude.”

1928 — An idea is spreading

In 1928 Napoleon Hill published his work “The Law of Success in 16 Lessons”, in which the term “Law of Attraction” was used very often.

Napoleon Hill’s most famous work, “Think and Grow Rich” was first published in 1937 and later became the world’s best-selling book.

His work, “Think and Grow Rich”, was beset with some mysteries, such as the promise of revealing the “real secret” to the success of Napoleon Hill, which never really led to miscalculations. Was told.

1986 — The public accepted an idea

One of the most important sources of inspirational and informative materials on the subject of the Law of Attraction is the work of Jerry and Esther Hicks.

In 1986, Esther Hicks began broadcasting messages to a group of non-physical beings, named “Abraham”.

While this experience was initially very shocking for Esther — the process drew a lot of interest from her husband Jerry, and soon, with Jerry’s support, Esther and Jerry began giving channeling workshops to growing groups of people.

These works are summarized as “The Teaching of Abraham” and to the present day, even after Jerry Hicks passed away in 2011, Esther continues to give workshops and seminars, where he addresses Abraham’s questions. Responds to what people are asking.

Another exciting development on the subject was a message broadcast from Abraham, where Napoleon Hill’s non-physical appearance revealed that the word “vibration” had to be taken from earlier publications of his book due to the publisher’s fear that such a word would not be accepted. Are made, stopping sales and at the time was scary to most readers.

2006 — Breakthrough to the mainstream with “The Secret”

Although the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks was very popular, there was some doubt. Especially the fact that Esther spoke through a group of non-physical beings, making it difficult to achieve commercial success.

Even though the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks is a little difficult for you to explain and you have difficulty with the fact that non-physical “beings” speak through them, I think their books are outstanding. If you really want to learn to use LOA in everyday life, I will read their books.

I don’t really buy into esoteric New Age stuff, it’s not just me. I am very fact-oriented. But I have read most of the books Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote and say they are great material.

Fast forward to 2006 when the film The Secret was taking the world by storm and promoting The Law of Attraction to become a topic of domestic discussion for millions of people around the world.

Ronda Byrne shared the fact that the book “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattle was her inspiration for the film. The film was indexed as a series of interviews given by renowned writers, inspirational speakers, teachers, and “visionaries”.

The messages given by “Secret” are loud and clear:

1. Thoughts make things.

2. Positive emotional attitudes are helpful, and necessary, to manifest desires.

3. Believe in receiving and you will receive.

Although I believe the film “The Secret” teaches you many important things, when it comes to the law of attraction, I have learned a lot.

I believe that the original idea of ​​the secret book is very good, but that some important components are missing.

In this article on how the Law of Attraction works in the end (a no-BS guide to the occult), I will deal with these points and show you how to finally use the Law of Attraction in practice.

And in 2019 after reading and practice so much stuff. I started taking baby steps and manifested so many small things in life. My belief was so strong. Then I started focusing on big things. And one of my biggest manifestations my soulmate. I have written this in my blog in full detail. The step I took to manifest my soulmate.

Then I created my blog to share my manifestation success story and to inspire people that if I can do it anyone can do it.

And one more thing and it's very important to mention that meditation played a greater role in my life. I am meditating form the past a few years now and it completely transformed my life.

You can download my free meditation guide this will help you to get a deeper knowledge of how to manifest your dream life into reality. This will help you to get a clear idea of what to manifest and how to manifest. I am following this guide for the past 5 years. It worked like magic for me.

How Does The Law Of Attraction Work? 6 Key Facts You Should Know

When you first start reading about manifestation techniques, it is common to ask yourself a major question: How does the Law of Attraction work? And even though you have been working for some time to attract your dreams, you may find yourself more curious about what you are doing.

While there are many fascinating details and burial areas of new research, here are the key facts you need to know about how the Law of Attraction work

It works continuously

When thinking about questions about how the Law of Attraction works, people usually assume that they can work on it at specific times or do something to bring it into their lives. You need to understand that the law of attraction is constantly working. It is affecting every work and experience you do each day.

So, it makes more sense to think about how you can use the method of attraction, directing the allied energy in ways that allow you to get what you want.

Find out more about the science behind the law of attraction, just click here!

Your frequency determines your results

Whether you are vibrating at high or low frequency is the primary factor determining whether you successfully manifest your dreams. Seeing how the law of attraction works, you are magnetically attracted (ie attracted) to things vibrating at the same frequency. These are things that reflect your inner state.

This means that if you work to maintain high frequency (though positivity, love, compassion, and productivity) then you inevitably end up with more good things in your life.

It is affected by the unconscious

You can think of yourself as a really positive person. But you can still attract negative things into your life due to the unconscious parts of your brain. These parts are shaped by your genetic makeup. Your underlying neurology, so you are not to blame for their existence!

There is scientific evidence of the law-attraction-scope that certain apprehensions and limitations can be transmitted from parents to children. However, the good news is that these parts of you can be republished. Slowly through techniques such as affirmation and visualization.

Intention Point is the seat of manifestation

The main thing to be aware of is that the intention. It is a powerful space that connects your heart and mind. Once you have found it on your own. You can use its position to assess your needs and find out what might be blocking your manifestation work.

In short, this is the electric field of your heart. Which studies produce 5,000 times more magnetic power than the brain.

You receive what you focus on

Just as your underlying vibration attracts things that vibrate at the same energetic frequency. The things you focus on are the things you are most likely to achieve. Some people consistently claim to focus on what they want (eg financial abundance). However, if they are not getting it, they are most likely focusing on the wrong aspect of what they want.

For example, they may be feeling quite worried that they don’t get money. When attracting money should really make them feel confident. Excited about the fact that you will get money.

The message here is that the law of attraction does not require you to just keep your heart and mind full of your dreams. Instead, you need to do something that is completely positive and reliable.

We are constantly learning about the science behind Law-attraction work

Although the law of attraction has been consistently popular (in different ways and sometimes under different names). It has recently drawn continued interest from scientists working in psychology, neurology, and quantum physics.

Thus, we are discovering more and more about how to reconcile our biology. The makeup of the universe to respond to the continuous flow of energy.

If there is one thing that you take away from this quick summary of how the law of attraction works, then let it be:

the more time you spend working with the law of attraction to learn, the more you are in your surroundings. See you back from the world… You have immense potential, and so is the Universe! Be bold, and revel in the abundance that follows.

