Smart Home Automation System Using Arduino: A Complete Guide

3 min readMay 12, 2023


The rise of home automation systems has revolutionized ways people interact with their homes. With the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) devices we are now able to manage and automate a variety of appliances and devices in our homes using the phones we carry or our voice assistants.

In this post, we’ll talk about how to create an Smart Home Automation System using Arduino, a well-known microcontroller board extensively used in DIY projects.

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronic platform that is built on easy-to-use hardware and software. It is comprised of the microcontroller board, the developing environment, and a community that offers a wide range of libraries and tools to aid beginners to begin their projects.

Arduino boards are available in a variety of dimensions and shapes The most well-known model being the Arduino Uno. It comes with 14 digital input/output pins and six analog inputs, an quartz crystal with a 16 MHz frequency and the USB connection and a power jack.

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

To build a smart home automation system using Arduino, you will need the following components:

Arduino UNO
Relay module
HC 05 Wireless Bluetooth Module
– Lamp
– 2.2k ohm resistor
– 1k ohm resistor
– Breadboard
– Jumper wires

Circuit Diagram

How to Build a Smart Home Automation System Using Arduino?

Step 1: Connecting the Components

Begin by connecting the relay module with the Arduino Uno board. Connect the VCC pin of the relay module to the 5V pin on the Arduino board, and connect the GND pin on the relay module to the GND port on the Arduino board.

Then attach the LED to the relay module. Connect the positive end of the LED to the NO (Normally Open) pin of the relay module and the other leg of the LED to the GND pin of the Arduino board.

Connect the light sensor as well as the temperature and humidity sensors and ultrasonic sensors to the Arduino Uno board. Connect the signals pins of the sensors to the analog pins on the Arduino board.

Connect the motor to the Arduino Uno board. Connect the signal pin from the motor to one of the digital pins on the Arduino board.

Then finally, connect then the Bluetooth module to the Arduino Uno board. Connect the TX port of the Bluetooth module to the RX pin of the Arduino board, and connect the RX pin of the Bluetooth module to the TX pin on the Arduino board.

Step 2: Programming the Arduino

The next step is create the program to the Arduino board. You can make use of the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to write and upload the code to the board.

The code should contain functions that analyze sensor’s data as well as control the servo motor and LED and connect to the Bluetooth module.

Step 3: Building the Android App

For controlling the home automation smart system, you’ll need to create an Android application that communicates with the Arduino board using Bluetooth.

You can utilize Android Studio, a popular integrated development environment that is used for Android application development. The app should have an interface for users that lets the user control the servo motor, LED and read sensor information.

Step 4: Testing the System

After you’ve written the code and developed the Android app, it’s now time to evaluate the system. Connect the Bluetooth module to your Android smartphone and then turn on the home automation smart system.

Make use of the Android app to control the servo motor and LED and read sensor information.


In this post, we have discussed how to create an Smart Home Automation System using Arduino. With this system it is possible to manage and automate various home appliances and devices and monitor the surroundings inside your home.

The creation of an intelligent home automation system made with Arduino is a fantastic DIY project that

