The Dormant Bitcoin: What Glassnode’s Data Reveals

Paul Knight
3 min readAug 25, 2023


The Dormant Bitcoin

As the world of cryptocurrencies continues to evolve, one key player remains at the forefront: Bitcoin. Recent insights from Glassnode, a reputable blockchain analytics firm, have uncovered a remarkable trend — a staggering 40% of the total Bitcoin supply has remained untouched on-chain for over three years. This intriguing revelation prompts us to delve into the possible reasons behind this phenomenon and its implications for the Bitcoin market’s future.

The Mystery Behind Dormant Bitcoins

Several plausible explanations emerge when considering why a significant chunk of Bitcoin remains dormant. One hypothesis is that these coins are in the possession of steadfast, long-term investors who firmly believe in the eventual surge of Bitcoin’s value. This popular strategy, often referred to as “HODLing” (holding on for dear life), entails resisting the temptation to sell, with the anticipation of more favorable prices in the future. Another scenario to consider is the unfortunate occurrence of lost or forgotten Bitcoin holdings.

The high proportion of idle Bitcoin holdings bodes well for the overall health of the Bitcoin market in the long run. This accumulation indicates a substantial reserve of Bitcoin that isn’t readily available for trading, potentially serving as a stabilizing force for the cryptocurrency’s value in times to come.

Fascinating Findings from Glassnode

Glassnode’s report uncovers several intriguing statistics that provide further insights into the state of the Bitcoin market:

  • 81.5% of Bitcoin supply is currently held by long-term investors: This substantial percentage reinforces the prevalence of the HODLing strategy among Bitcoin holders.
  • Record-high illiquid Bitcoin supply: The report identifies an unprecedented 13.6 million BTC as the illiquid supply — Bitcoin that hasn’t moved for over 155 days. This figure underscores the sustained belief in Bitcoin’s potential future value.
  • Rise in Bitcoin whales: The number of Bitcoin whales, defined as holders possessing over 1,000 BTC, has surged by 10% within the past month. This increase suggests growing confidence among substantial investors.

Implications for the Bitcoin Market

Glassnode’s findings point towards an increasingly concentrated and illiquid Bitcoin market. While this might suggest potential challenges for significant price movements, the steadfast accumulation of Bitcoin by long-term holders is an encouraging indicator for the market’s overall well-being. This positive sentiment can play a crucial role in counteracting extreme volatility.

Conclusion: Bitcoin’s Resilience and Potential

Glassnode’s revelations highlight Bitcoin’s enduring appeal among long-term investors and its capacity to remain a relatively stable asset. The prevalence of HODLing indicates a collective belief in Bitcoin’s future potential, contributing to its resilience against market fluctuations. As the market becomes increasingly concentrated, the synergy between steadfast holders and the scarcity of available Bitcoin could pave the way for a promising future.

In this dynamic landscape of cryptocurrencies, the dormant Bitcoin phenomenon serves as a testament to the evolving strategies and beliefs of investors. As we journey further into the world of blockchain and digital currencies, Bitcoin’s position as a pioneer and enduring asset remains unshaken.



Paul Knight

Passionate for tech & blockchain. Bridging gaps of business & tech while promoting personal growth. Sharing insights on the intersection of these fields.