The Great ‘Work From Home’ Experiment

Patrick Kelly
1 min readApr 2, 2020


These uncertain times have brought forth something interesting: the great ‘Work From Home’ experiment.

As most organizations are forced to operate remotely, I am eager to see what long-term changes come from this.

Many organizations that were resistant to WFH may learn that in fact it can be done. They will learn employees don’t need to be monitored in person to remain productive. Perhaps they won’t need the large offices spaces anymore. Will their policies change in the future?

Many employees are getting their first WFH experience. Some people who have never experienced it before may realize it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. It can get very lonely spending the day the whole day at home. The social connections that offices bring are hard to replace. Others may find they are more productive than ever before.

This is not a right/wrong paradigm, but I have to believe organizations will no doubt rethink how and where their teams operate in the future because of these times.

What are your experiences working from home?



Patrick Kelly

Speaker. Founder — Change Point Consulting. Re-imagining the future of work through culture and collaboration.