Pavan Kumar
2 min readJul 16, 2021


The Raelian Movement is a new religious movement and atheistic religion that denies the existence of true supernatural gods. It believes instead that various mythologies (particularly that of the Abrahamic God) are based upon experiences with an alien race called the Elohim.

Various religious prophets and founders such as the Buddha, Jesus, Moses, etc. are also considered prophets of the Elohim. It’s believed that they were chosen and educated by the Elohim to reveal their message to humanity in stages.

On December 13, 1973, Claude Vorilhon experienced an alien abduction by the Elohim. They renamed him Rael and instructed him to act as their prophet. Yahweh is the name of the specific Elohim with whom Rael was in contact. He held his first public conference on his revelations on September 19, 1974.

Raelians disbelieve in evolution, believing that DNA naturally rejects mutations. They believe the Elohim planted all life on Earth 25,000 years ago through scientific processes. The Elohim were likewise created by another race and one-day humanity will do the same on some other planet.

Immortality Through Cloning: While the Raelians disbelieve in an afterlife, they vigorously pursue scientific inquiries into cloning, which will grant its own form of immortality to those who are cloned. They also believe that the Elohim occasionally clone truly outstanding human individuals and that these clones now live on another planet among the Elohim.

