Spending Most Of Your Weekend Alone — Is Something Wrong With You?

Prem K
4 min readOct 15, 2023


Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

“So, what are you going to do this weekend”?…I get this question a lot! It’s usually on Fridays and I have the same answer most of the time…..

Nothing much!

My weekends are nothing special. It might not even be fascinating to someone else. Indeed, you could call it boring, and I would agree.

Do you spend most of your weekends at home? Do you find yourself trying to ‘plan’ your weekend just to abandon it in favor of staying at home and watching Netflix over a decent dinner?

If that’s you, then maybe we can be buddies :)

The Boring Routine

Most of the time, my weekends consist of the same pattern. Get up early, exercise, do laundry, watch Netflix, do some personal work, eat lunch and dinner, and sleep.

Photo by Julian Myles on Unsplash

Some of us want more, yet there are constraints that prevent us from having a more ‘interesting’ weekend.

The majority of us who go through this pattern have few friends. We may know a lot of people, but we don’t spend much time with them. We are introverted, lone wolves, and pick and choose who we spend time with. We prefer to be by ourselves.

I’m not sure if that’s a good or negative thing, but it’s become a habit. A routine that makes you both comfortable and uneasy. Have you ever been in this situation?

It’s Normal and It’s OK

What I do know is that having ’ me’ time or alone time is really vital. Most of the time, we are surrounded by others. On a daily basis, we must deal with interactions, reactions, dialogues, and subtle disagreements with complete strangers.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

As a result, taking some time off for yourself may be beneficial.
People may perceive you as antisocial and even strange. They can’t believe you don’t have a friend to hang out with on weekends.

They may believe you are depressed. Don’t allow what others think to disturb you. People have a tendency to name things that they themselves may not comprehend or perform.

Being Alone Is A Strength

If you believe that being alone is a weakness, reconsider. Most people require constant human contact. They lack the mental fortitude to get through the day on their own.

When they find themselves alone, they go for the phone. “I’ll go crazy, they say”. That may very well be true.

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

That is, nevertheless, normal for you. You don’t need somebody to force you to get through your day. You are sufficient! That is what distinguishes you from the competition.

You’re stronger mentally and emotionally. Loneliness has become your friend, which may not be a bad thing.

“If you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.” — Jodi Picoult

But You Need Options

We are all just people who require interaction at some time. While I enjoyed being alone, I realized that I needed some variety in my routine. I need to shake things up a little to keep things interesting and new.

The most fundamental thing you can do in this situation is to stick to your plan. Visit that bookstore you’ve wanted to go to. Instead of watching Netflix at home, go to the movies. Call a coworker at random for lunch or tea.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Do something that isn’t ‘normal’ for you every now and again. The more you progress, the more your routine will vary.

If your plans do not go as planned, try again next week. You control your schedule and not the other way around.

Weekend By Yourself — No Problem

There’s nothing wrong with spending the weekend by yourself. Nothing! Enjoy that time if it is something you are comfortable with.

If you have a niggling desire to do something different, start small, make a few changes on your weekend, and then follow through. Even the tiniest difference is considered a triumph.

Finally, keep in mind that you are mentally and emotionally stronger than most people believe. Celebrate your singularity in this matter.



Prem K

I talk about random things in life that makes sense to me. If you enjoy my read, leave a comment and let me know you're here. I also manage www.clickbasics.com