When Life Throws A Curve Ball…

Prem K
4 min readMar 8, 2024


When Life Throws A Curve Ball…

Life…what can I say? I remember my teacher's words when I was a young school student, “There’s no better period in your life than a student’s life”. Yes, not everyone has good memories as a student, but this teacher meant that all I had to do was study, hang out with friends, go back home, eat, sleep, and repeat. There are no commitments whatsoever.

Of course, those words did not carry an ounce of wisdom for me back then. I wanted to grow up and grow up fast. I want to join the adult world, where I can make money and live a happy life. In hindsight, there’s so much truth in those words because the longer you live on this planet, the more curve balls life throws at you. Life is a constantly changing game.

What was your first curveball in life?

Photo by Chris Chow on Unsplash

Things don’t pan out the way you want them to. Not all your dreams become true. You have to adapt, you have to change and you have to fight for what you want. Sometimes it may feel that when things are just getting better, life has some other unexpected plans for you.

Financial issues, health problems, family conflict, emotional breakdown, etc are just part of life’s cycle that hits everyone. You’ve probably gone through a dark time in life and it still scars you today.

The worst part is sometimes you don’t even realize these curveballs are heading your way until it is too late for you to react.

Photo by Photo Boards on Unsplash

How do we deal with them? Most of us are no experts in dealing with these problems and yet we have to. How do we come out victorious? How do we keep moving on despite these challenges?

These are important questions that impact our lives, yet we may not have a definite answer.

I guess the first thing anyone must do is to mentally be ready to accept any kind of situation at any time. Easier said than done huh…. Yes… well, it is difficult but it needs to happen. Nothing in life is permanent. Change is the only constant thing and change fluctuates. So, first of all, be prepared that something might come your way anyway.

Second, understand that everything that happens is a part of life. Good or bad, it is part of life. So, don’t exaggerate the problem. Don’t make it bigger than it is. Take it at the surface level and deal with it. This is not the time to ask, “Why me”. When you fall, you don’t stay down wondering how did it happen..right? You get up. That’s what you need to do. You need to get tough or life will eat you up.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Third, compartmentalize your problem into small pieces. Do you know what I mean? Break down your problem into smaller parts. That way, it would be easier for you to deal with those small parts. Even if you cannot solve all of it, addressing as much as you can will reduce the impact of the problem on your life. This is a real technique called Drill Down.

Fourth, it wouldn’t kill you to seek help. All of us don’t have the answers for every curve ball that life throws at us. There is no shame in admitting that and asking for help. You don’t need to ask for help for only the big issues. You can ask for help for anything.

Finally, keep a cool perspective about life. Remember, nothing is permanent here and nothing is guaranteed. These hurdles are there whether you like it or not. Jump those hurdles. Can't jump over? Go around them. Can’t go around them? Push them away. Can’t do that either? Then step back and make that attempt again. Keep going. Don’t try…just keep going.



Prem K

I talk about random things in life that makes sense to me. If you enjoy my read, leave a comment and let me know you're here. I also manage www.clickbasics.com