Platon Reflection

2 min readMar 14, 2023


Btw, I wrote this on my own and chucked it into chat gpt to make it sound more professional. So if it sounds chatgpt(ee) this is why.

When making a decision regarding my choice of major, I initially perceived Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a highly competitive field where I would not excel. Consequently, I opted for a design and product track, assuming it would be less demanding and would allow me to allocate my time to other endeavors. However, my perception changed when I undertook a course that provided me with an abundance of resources, revealing that with an intuitive understanding of the principles underlying AI, I possessed the necessary competencies to create remarkable AI products. These resources ranged from using Chuck mosaics, Processing, and particularly Wekinator, which are all powerful tools that empower developers to infuse their ideas with AI capabilities. The current wave of AI technologies has brought forth a plethora of opportunities, allowing for unlimited potential and new creative outlets. Initially, I felt disheartened and questioned my past decision; however, I realized that anyone with coding experience, persistence, and creativity could leverage these tools to build extraordinary creations.

Through this course, I achieved what I previously thought was impossible, such as designing a 2D robot drawer that could be manipulated by facial recognition, and the capability of integrating AI to fulfill my desired outcome. These newfound abilities have exceeded my expectations, and I intend to utilize these tools throughout my career to produce innovative products that captivate others.

When advising a student who is endeavoring to determine their academic path, my recommendation would be to trust their intuition and not succumb to the hype surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI). The reason is that AI has been designed to be accessible to all individuals, with low barriers to entry and ease of use. It solely requires imagination and creativity, with the utilization of a wide range of use cases. I am genuinely astonished and taken aback by how effortless it was to initially comprehend these technologies. Once you gain a foothold, you can delve into the intricacies of constructing and integrating various technologies, thereby enhancing the overall experience.

Another observation I have made about myself is that I harbor a sense of apprehension that I may have missed out on the ideal opportunity to venture into a specific field. However, upon reflection, I have noticed that several of my acquaintances who have extensively delved into AI continue to be captivated by the projects we have created in this class. This serves as a testament to the vast expanse of uncharted territory where novel and innovative interactive experiences can be created. Currently, we are at an opportune time to commence this journey and immerse ourselves wholeheartedly. I am resolute in my commitment to pursuing these technologies and building unprecedented creations. It is essential to keep in mind that it is never too late to join the movement, and there exists an infinite number of unexplored ideas that present a myriad of possibilities, and one can potentially pioneer these groundbreaking concepts.


