Twos App: lists of lists

4 min readJun 6, 2023

Unbelievably, I have added another app to my set up: Twos. I use it for something so simple: lists. Lists of things.

Let’s start with what Twos is

It’s another app that could do everything you need- calendar, lists, notes, tasks. And it has some really cool features. My personal favourites are

  1. Global shortcut

Bring Twos to the forefront of your screen with Command + .

Then use lots of keyboard shortcuts to do what you need. My most used is obviously creating a new list : command + option + L.

2. Type ‘time travel’ to go to a random earlier entry

This would be so fun over prolonged usage.

3. View of everything I added in a day

I really rate this type of set up, it shows me what I was thinking about and when.

This is a very tiny look at Twos, please read John Taylor’s write up of it for a more in depth look, it’s brilliant. Use his referral link to sign up too!




Exploring digital tools for personal good. Free articles 🤩 Work @ Capacities; all opinions are my own and unsponsored.