Learn To Be A Bold Entrepreneur As The Princess

PK Pimsuwan
3 min readMay 23, 2020


Princess is a supervisor, entrepreneur, partner, and mentor. she has been one of the members in the RiceUp Farmers Inc. that has won Enactus US national Champion for 3 years in a row. Princess and her husband, James are co-partners in their creative video and digital marketing business. Not only that, she is also a supervisor for the Polynesian Cultural Center retail stores in 3 locations.

I have been working closely with her for awhile and gotten the opportunity to learn from her special and kind personalities, with great ambition is everything she does. Let me share this awesome chance with you to learn from her as well.

How would you describe your current business model?

My husband and I are co-partners in a creative video and digital marketing business called Tukan Productions. At the moment, our business model is B2B (Business to Business). we used to be B2C(Business to Customer)but we changed because we want to focus more on how we can give value through different companies.

Why did you select your business model and how would you do it differently if you had to do it all over again?

We have put our time in doing research and experiment. We had tried to sell our product to customers before as well, as mentioned before. We later realized that in the videography business, businesses are easier to work with because most of the time they already have the vision of what and how they want the video to come out. This way, work goes smoothier and less stress.

If I had to do it all over again, I would be more bold on reaching out. We learn that businesses out there don’t know what they want until you propose to them the benefits your services can have for their businesses.

Credit picture: Pexels.com

What advice do you have for a college student who is considering starting up his or her own business?

If you’re in BYU-Hawaii or any other university, enroll in the entrepreneurship classes.Most of the things that I know and apply right now are because of what I learned in those classes. Be mentored by the Willes Center professors or other great professors and mentors where ever you take the course. If you are in a place where you cannot enroll in these classes and be mentored, start small but think big. My suggestion is to focus on one product or service and expand this later when you have already made it successful.

Any tips to get ahead of competition?

Surround yourself with people that are better than you but have the same vision as you. It’s usually the business minded people that remind me of how important it is to do these and how consistent I need to be on pushing my ideas. It may feel intimidating, but these are the people that push you to your limits. Also use these people as a mentor (be careful on looking for a mentor though, make sure it’s someone whose advice works).

Is there anyone else do you think I should talk to?

Depending on what topics I can tell you who you can talk to. But in general about business, your professors in business and entrepreneur programs are your first and best options to start from.

Princess has become successful the way she is now after because of the good attitude towards all the work she does. Her advice can truly be applied in many more areas of our lives than just business. She shows me that what matter most is not what she does but how she does it. The love and ambition for what you do and like to do will soon pay off.

You can connect with her on LinkedIn and continue to be inspried by her.

