Installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 RC/RTM on Windows(Offline and online)

Sivanantham Padikkasu
2 min readNov 19, 2016


2017 RTM

For Visual Studio 2017(RTM) please follow the following link

Note:It will download the files around 20.5 GB size

(Click Here for the files and folders list which is downloaded)

The above one download all the workloads. If you are not interested in download all the modules/Only looking for certain workloads like “ASP.NET and web development”,”.NET desktop development” you can customise which workload need to download by adding via command line parameters


vs_community.exe  — layout C:\Layout — lang en-US — add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetWeb

you can add multiple workload seperated by space

vs_community.exe — layout C:\Layout — lang en-US — add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktop Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCoreTools Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetWeb

2017 RC

Two types of installation available

Download the VS 2017 RC installer file from the following link

1. Web Installer(Online)

It requires network to download the required setup file to install

2. Offline installer by creating layout file

2.1 Open the command prompt

2.2 Go to the downloaded exe file location

<exe file name> --layout <file location to set and download the layout> --lang <language code>
example vs_Community.exe --layout C:\Layout --lang en-US

It will download the files around 10GB size(More than 490 files)

When this item has finished downloading go to the layout folder (example C:\Layout\certificates) install the certificates by right clicking and install(If any prompt asks for password just leave as blank and click ‘continue’)

After installing certificates navigate back to the layout folder click on the installer file (example : vs_Community.exe ) to install the visual studio

Choose the feature’s and install

