plade group
5 min readMar 14, 2019


Buyer’s Guide to Residential Home Security Camera Systems in Kenya


Why security cameras?

Security cameras are the best deterrent against criminals. Presence of CCTV security cameras is enough to scare criminals away as they do not like being seen or leave evidence. Over time security cameras have become smaller, affordable and more sophisticated.

Apart from preventing and catching intruders attacking your home, they can be used to simplify the way you manage and control your home.

This means you need security cameras that meet your needs. Let`s take a look at what you need to know before you buy and install security cameras home.

Uses of security cameras

When you are away from home

  • If a thief breaks into your home, security cameras record the incident and provide police with solid evidence to identify the thieves and get your processions back.
  • You can check on your kids when they arrive home from school and when they leave.
  • Keep an eye on your nanny and how they treat your small kids while you are at work.
  • Inspect on persons working inside or around your house while away.
  • When integrated with home alarm system you can check if real threats at home when your alarm system alerts you of a security breach before responding.

When at home

  • Comfortably check disturbances in another room or around home without leaving your couch or bed.
  • Check and verify visitors at the door or gate before allowing them in.
  • Monitor on your baby and care for elderly family members by setting a camera in their rooms.

Instances security cameras have been used in Kenya

CCTV security cameras have proven to be very useful in many occasions to solving residential crimes. They have been attributed to provide the best evidence for police investigations and capturing of home thieves and burglars have been caught and valuables recovered.

Home Theft

Security camera footage helped police to identify a home burglar breaking into a home in posh home in Kilimani Nairobi.

Catch bad house helps

In neighboring country, Uganda in an incident that caused social media outcry when a nanny camera recording set up at home caught a house help brutally treating a child under her care while they were at work. The footage was used as solid evidence locks her away.

Types of CCTV camera

There are many types of CCTV security cameras in the market today and they can be used in almost every scenario.

When shopping for security camera it is important to understand security camera features. You will hear terms like outdoor cameras, motion triggered cameras, day and night, dome and bullet cameras and many more. Keep in mind most security cameras combine more than one feature.

So what are the most common security cameras and what are your options.

Bullet and Dome cameras

This is simply determined by the shape of a security camera. Bullet cameras have a pointed angular shape like a tube while dome cameras have circular orange shaped tamper proof glass head.

Outdoor and indoor cameras

Outdoor security cameras are weatherproof and have night vision technology to illuminate and record in poor lighting. They are installed outside and around a home at the door, yard or gate. Indoor security cameras are installed inside the home in the rooms or garage.

Pan tilt zoom (PTZ) security cameras

Commonly only referred as PTZ cameras, they can be pointed to a particular direction, zoomed and lock in and follow a specific moving target. They have a motorized mount that allow them to angle up and down and spin. They can be controlled remotely and are preferred by those who want to view they home from an internet enabled smartphone or computer.

Motion detection cameras

Motion detection security cameras only start recording when they sense movement. They save on memory space as they don’t have to record hours of empty footage.

Wireless cameras

Wireless cameras use internet connection to connect with your security system. They are relatively very easy to set up compared with wired cameras. Most cameras today are wireless.

Hidden or covert cameras (nanny-cams)

Hidden cameras are cancelled in secret places and are used to catch behavior (spy) that is hard to detect. As a parent you can use them to check how house help or kids do when alone at home. Today, most are disguised to look like common items inside our home like clock, alarm watch and mirrors.

IP cameras

Also referred as Webcam or Netcam, IP cameras use broadband or computer network connection to send or receive data. They are used for live real-time video remote surveillance on a smartphone or internet enabled gadgets.

Fake/Dummy cameras

If you have a small budget and want to scare thieves fake cameras comes handy. Fake cameras look real and thieves will not dare to steal from your home to prove if they are real unless you tell them. If positioned properly around your home they are a powerful deterrent.

Where to place your security cameras

You have decided the best security cameras option for your home, purchased them and other required equipment and have an installer ready. Having the installer place them properly and point the cameras in the right direction can be tough. Here are some tips on how to place your security cameras.


Bedrooms: Most intruders choose bedrooms especially master bedroom as their favorite room when they break into a home. They know that’s where you keep jewelry, cash and other valuables hidden. Have a camera in baby`s and small kids room to check on them (remove them as they grow big for they will want some privacy).

Corridors, hallways and living areas: Install a camera in each high foot traffic areas inside the house where someone have to walk through to access main rooms.

Play rooms: Place a camera in the playrooms to watch over your kids when they are playing in the play room as you do your house chores or you are away.

Garage: Have a camera installed in the garage as thieves love garage. They can use them to access main house, ransack your car and steal some valuables you keep there.


Back and Front Doors: Install a camera on each door leading outside. Most people ignore the back doors and thieves know that making them their favorite entry point.

Gate: A security camera at the gate can help you see who is at the gate especially late at night. A video intercom can do this but most don’t have night vision capability.

Yard: Mount cameras on walls facing your yard so you can watch your kids playing outside and catch intruders who jump over the wall to access your windows or steal something left outside.


This article helps you understand basic requirements to consider when buying a security cameras system that keeps your home and family safe. An installer can help you with most of it but it is good to know, he may just be after your money and leave you with a useless security system. Next we will look at different manufacturers on basis of pocket friendliness, functionality, durability, ease of use



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