1 min readMar 5, 2022


Today I would like to touch on the topic of social networks, the problem of which has become more clearly felt lately. Social media accounts are currently blocked. networks has already become commonplace and does not scare anyone. But in fact it breaks the whole essence of openness and accessibility of information.

Today I want to introduce you to a new word in social communication and social networks. This is SOLCIAL.

The first uncensored, unauthorized and truly open social network.

What I like here: Firstly, the guarantee of complete confidentiality, secondly, the security and openness of information, and thirdly, no one except you will have effective access to your data.

Above you see the interface of the new social network. Looks great. The project is still at the development stage, but I already see great prospects in it. To find out more visit their website: https://solcial.io/

