The Dummies’ Guide to BIM

2 min readNov 8, 2019


BIM is for everyone in the construction industry; in fact, you won’t be able to escape it. BIM is not a new idea; it’s merely a fact and will only become more critical in the future.

But what is BIM?

BIM is a way of working together — it’s a methodology for the integral design, construction and maintenance of a project with all the partners. An agreement by mutual exchange of data resulting in a complete digital description of a building project.

From this description, a digital model is built from a standardized object library.

Fine, What is an Object Library?

It’s a dictionary of definitions of all items. For example,

  • What exactly do we mean by a door?
  • What are the functions of a door?
  • What are the properties of a door and its performance?
  • What must a door be able to do?

New objects can easily be added. You can use BIM with a bridge, a road, a tunnel or a complete infrastructure. Also with a building or a complex of buildings, BIM is available for the entire lifecycle of a construction project from design through construction, management, maintenance and even demolition.

Who works with BIM?

With BIM, each individual party makes their own contribution to the virtual structure. The architect Contractor, Builder, Consultant, Installer, Glazier, hmmm everyone! This works well as long as all components satisfy everything agreed upon in the object library only then is there one language understood by everyone.

You can study the project and see the library components before construction begins, information about construction, maintenance costs and safety, all come from the same source BIM!

But not, everyone needs all the information so BIM also contains an agreement about who can look at what and who is allowed to input to which sections.

Why BIM?

BIM exists to enhance the performance of a construction project or network infrastructure this is possible because the information is standardized and available for the entire lifecycle of the structure with BIM you get better cooperation and decisions are easier to make.

In any case, it is a fact that with BIM the sky really is the limit.

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planBIM is a cloud and mobile-based app for managing BIM on AEC projects. It provides a common platform for outlining specifications and scope for projects.