PlanckX Bingo Game

3 min readMay 15, 2023


Meet our new event — 🔥Bingo Game here! Bingo is a fun game that anyone can join. By joining this event, you will 100% win BUSD!

📅Event Time
29th May — 2nd June

✔️Event Rules
1. Try your best to finish the tasks on the nine-square task board.
2. If any three tasks you finish can be connected in a straight line, then you win 1 BINGO.

3. The more BINGO you win, the more BUSD you earn.

*We will issue points equivalent to the BUSD. Members can exchange the points to BUSD on PlanckX website.

🔶Bingo Tasks

1. Join The Beacon Game
The Beacon game will be held on PlanckX Discord on 30th May. By finishing this task, members need to fill up the registration form and join the game stream on PlanckX discord voice channel.

2. Invite a Friend to Register
Invite at least 1 friend (through the invite link) to register on PlanckX during event time.

3. Finish Jigsaw Game
Finish the puzzle of the event poster within 4 mins. And remember to submit the screenshot of the finish time to PlanckX website.

4. Reach 100m in SolChick
The SolChick game will be held on PlanckX Discord on 31st May. To finish this task, members need to fill up the registration form and run 100 meters within 1 minute in the practice mode of the SolChick game during the game night.

5. Connect Discord
Connect your discord account to the PlanckX website.

6. Check-in for 5 Days
Check-in on PlanckX website for 5 days during the event time.

7. Reach 4k scores in Mirrors Jump
The Mirrors Jump game will be held on PlanckX Discord on 2nd June. To finish this task, members need to fill up the registration form and jump for 4k scores during the game night.

8. Redeem PLK
Redeem PLK with your points for one time during the event time.

9. Earn 200 Points
Earn 200 points during the event time.

🎮Download/Play Games Here
Play The Beacon now
Play SolChicks now
Download Mirrors Jump now

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