Micro-Dosing Fitness Routines: Unleashing the Power of Burpees For Short Effective Workouts

4 min readNov 10, 2023


Discover the benefits of burpees and harness their potential to start micro-dosing your workouts and overall fitness results.

In recent years, the fitness industry has witnessed the rise of an innovative workout technique called micro-dosing. This groundbreaking approach has gained attention due to its ability to produce significant results in short bursts of exercise. One exercise that perfectly complements micro-dosing is highly effective is the burpee.

Let’s delve into the benefits of micro-dosing with fitness and explore how to incorporate burpees into these workouts.

Micro-dosing with fitness involves breaking down exercise sessions into smaller, manageable increments rather than undertaking prolonged, rigorous workouts. Instead of hours spent at the gym, individuals engage in short but intense bursts of exercise throughout the day. This method can be beneficial for various reasons.

First and foremost, micro-dosing enables individuals to easily fit workouts into their busy schedules. With the demands of work, family, and other responsibilities, finding time for extensive exercise can often be challenging. However, micro-dosing allows for quick, yet efficient, routines that can be performed almost anywhere, at any time. Even short breaks at the office or between errands can be utilized for these exercises, making fitness accessible for everyone.

Additionally, micro-dosing exercises help boost metabolism, aiding in weight loss and overall fitness. Research has shown that short bursts of high-intensity exercise can have a significant impact on the body’s metabolic rate. By incorporating micro-dosing with fitness into your routine, you can kickstart your metabolism and burn calories even hours after your workout. This can be especially beneficial for those seeking to shed unwanted pounds or maintain weight loss.

One exercise that works exceptionally well for micro-dosing is the burpee. The burpee is a full-body movement that targets multiple muscle groups, making it a highly effective exercise for building strength and endurance.

Here’s how to perform a burpee:

  1. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    2. Lower your body into a squat position, placing your hands on the ground in front of you, just outside your feet.
    3. Kick your feet back into a plank position, keeping your arms extended.
    4. Perform a push-up by lowering your chest to the ground and then pushing back up.
    5. Jump your feet back toward your hands, returning to the squat position.
    6. Explosively jump up into the air, reaching your arms overhead.
    7. Land and immediately lower back into a squat to start the next repetition.

Here is a video of Yancy Culp, the co-creator of Deka and head of education at RAM Fit performing a RAM Burpee Challenge.

RAM Burpee Challenge Video with Yancy Culp

To incorporate burpees into your micro-dosing routine, begin with a small number of burpees, such as 5 or 10 or do it for a timed duration and gradually increase the repetitions or time as you become more comfortable. Space them throughout your day, aiming for multiple sets spread out over several hours. This approach not only provides a calorie-burning workout but also keeps your body constantly engaged, promoting better overall fitness.

The benefits of micro-dosing with fitness and incorporating burpees into your routine are numerous. Not only does it allow for flexibility and convenience, but it also helps improve cardiovascular health, build strength, and increase endurance. Moreover, the short bursts of intense exercise can improve mental focus and boost energy levels.

There is also one tool that helps accelerate your results with Burpees and that is the RAM. The RAM allows you to do a weighted burpee which engages more muscles and applies the overload principal to your burpee. You can also use the RAM in a 22 Day Burpee workout program that is a perfect way to expand from burpee driven micro-dosing into other forms of exercise. There is science behind doing 3.5 Minutes of vigrous physical activity and the RAM burpee is a perfect way to capture the benefits.

Before embarking on a micro-dosing fitness journey, it’s essential to consult with a fitness professional to ensure your safety and to personalize your routine according to your fitness level and goals. They can guide you on how to progress and adjust your micro-dosing workouts as you improve.

In a world where time is precious, micro-dosing with fitness and utilizing exercises like burpees can revolutionize the way we approach our health. So, lace up your sneakers, embrace the power of micro-dosing, and get ready to reap the benefits of this efficient and effective workout technique.

