Group Yoga Classes: What You Need to Know

Planetary Kundalini Yoga
4 min readJun 16, 2023

Most of us know all the incredible health benefits of yoga. Many people all over the world practice yoga on a daily basis. We know it has an incredible capacity to alter both the general structure of the body and mindfulness. Due to the exciting outcomes of consistent yoga practice, many people have begun attending yoga classes. You can start your practice at home and continue it by enrolling in any group yoga classes.

Group yoga classes with an experienced instructor will undoubtedly help you learn about inversions, help you pay attention to motions, improve your ability to concentrate on a certain body area by opening yourself up to the deepening body awareness of the Pilates Modality, plus stabilizing your breathing and expanding breath capacity and spiritual awareness with Kundalini Yoga experiencing the healing journey

Increasing the Energy

Everyone appears to be interested in learning yoga to treat their chronic health issues these days. Actually, that is exactly what yoga’s potential is designed to help you do in building much-needed body awareness through increasing practical knowledge within a physical form/practice. Joining group yoga classes with an experienced instructor will improve your ability to concentrate on a certain body area when opening yourself up to the Pilates modality, plus stabilizing your breathing and expanding its capacity. In these classes, you can also become a part of a thriving community. In short, enrolling in group yoga classes increases your energy and builds stamina.

Alternatively, you should know a few essential things about it before joining these classes.

5 Things to Know Before Joining Group Yoga Classes

1. Types — There are numerous types of yoga practices one can follow. Everybody has a different body, particular health conditions to treat or cure, and various fitness objectives. Yoga sessions with knowledgeable instructors will be very helpful in guiding you through the difficult process of selecting the right and most advantageous form of yoga. Yoga lessons will be the ideal solution for you if you lack sufficient knowledge of the technical aspects and other complex variations like kriya kundalini yoga and Kriya yoga.

It is better to discuss these forms, including how to choose a yoga style and what adjustments to make to the poses to make them simpler for your body type.

2. Consistency — Developing a habit of regular yoga practising might be challenging. Without the assistance of a live yoga instructor and a group yoga session, it may be much more difficult. It is much simpler to arrive and continue to arrive in class when you are aware that a group is counting on you.

You won’t have the benefit of a live yoga instructor or the exciting atmosphere of group yoga classes to keep you interested and wanting more if you only learn yoga online through videos.

3. Soreness — Following your first session or after attempting a new pose, you could experience some little pain in your muscles and joints. Do not be alarmed; everything is OK. Yoga usually works on muscles you frequently overlook, which may feel sore for a few days. But you should see a doctor if the discomfort doesn’t go away or if the situation worsens. You can prevent injuries when you properly follow instructions too.

4. Combination — Some yoga classes incorporate Pilates movements which result in a more well-rounded, balanced workout that is good for the body and the mind. Most of us still advise gyms to offer distinct Pilates classes and yoga sessions, by introducing a separate Pilates/Yoga mash-up class. It is a great way to strengthen their cores, become more flexible, and develop their mind-body connection.

5. Mental Health — It is crucial to know that yoga is much more than just exercise. It has a profound influence on both the physical and psychological aspects of the inner health system. It has been around for thousands of years and was never merely seen as a fitness regimen. It is a philosophy on how to live a flourishing life and deal with mental health issues calmly and without any distress.

In Conclusion,

Whether you decide to learn yoga online or join group classes, knowing about the above points will prepare you in a better way before joining classes.

Planetary Yoga offers kundalini yoga classes and group yoga classes for yoga lovers. If you want to try different yoga forms to relax your body and mind, get in touch with us to know more.




Planetary Kundalini Yoga

Planetary Kundalini Yoga is an organization where Gian yoga teacher provides classes in kriya kundalini yoga, meditation, pilates, tai chi, group yoga.