Transits and their impact on life events: How it is believed to influence important life events, such as career changes, relationships, and health issues.

Planetary Proficiencies
2 min readApr 6, 2023


Astrology holds that the position of the planets at the time of our birth and the ongoing movements of the planets (known as transits) can influence major life events. Understanding the impact of planetary transits can provide insight into how to navigate important life decisions.

Transits occur as planets move through the zodiac and form aspects (angles) to our natal chart. These aspects can bring opportunities or challenges depending on the nature of the planet involved and the aspect it forms. For example, a transit of Jupiter (associated with expansion and good fortune) forming a harmonious aspect to our natal Venus (associated with love and relationships) may indicate a time of romantic opportunities and positive social interactions.

On the other hand, a challenging transit of Saturn (associated with restriction and hardship) forming a square aspect to our natal Sun (associated with identity and purpose) may indicate a period of struggle and setbacks in our personal or professional life.

It’s important to note that while transits can indicate general themes and energies at play, they do not determine our fate or rob us of free will. Rather, they provide insight and guidance on how to best navigate the energies at hand.

In terms of timing, transits can occur over a period of days, weeks, or even months, depending on the length of time it takes for a planet to move through a particular zodiac sign. By tracking the movements of the planets, we can anticipate upcoming transits and prepare accordingly.

Overall, understanding the impact of planetary transits can provide valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges we may face in our personal and professional lives. By working with the energies at play, we can make the most of our circumstances and create the life we desire.

To have a deeper understanding of astrology, do click here.



Planetary Proficiencies

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