Hello. I am the heartbeat and voice of Planet Awareness. I am also the first alien on this planet.

Planet Awareness
4 min readFeb 8, 2020


What is Alien?

Alien is who we are inside us

‘Alien’ is who we are inside us.

Each and every one of us has a quirky, eccentric, strange, unique identity within us, made up of all the experiences we’ve had in our lives thus far.

There are parts of us even we consider to be alien, things that seem so foreign and weird that we shove it down the depths of our hearts. We want to dismiss the things that we think are alien about us.

In Planet Awareness, I want you to embrace your inner alien. I want you to know that it’s OK to be who you are!

In our society, we are so used to conforming to the different expectations being put onto us — from our partners, family, working environment, to the collective force of societal standards. We end up losing touch with our truest self. We construct an identity and put up a mask as a coping mechanism in order to survive and stay functional in this world.

After all these years, do you still know, or remember, what it means to be you?

If we strip apart the societal conditions, expectations and outcomes, what does it mean to live a life that is yours?

Your life becomes meaningful and purposeful when you live out your truth. Discovering your truth is about connecting deeper and reconciling the different fragments of yourself that have been lost over time. It’s about becoming more holistically integrated with yourself as you make your life for you and you alone.

What is your life’s purpose?

Perhaps you have been looking to get to the next level of your game, more fulfillment in your work or finding work that truly matters to your soul.

Perhaps you have been looking for relationships where you can experience love in its purest and deepest form beyond the superficial romantic gestures, and be with people whom you know you can count on in the toughest battles and crisis in your life.

Perhaps you’re seeking for your spiritual awakening, the notion of “enlightenment” that we hear in the new age era, where your eyes would finally be opened to see some of the truths in this universe.

Perhaps you simply longed to figure out what your life purpose is, but you’ve never experienced anything in life that ignites a flame in your heart, and you don’t know where to start looking.

These might seem like simple, common dreams. But to the owners of these dreams, they are not simple at all. It is a dream because that ideal life seems to exist on a distant planet, far away and unknown. The people around us don’t endorse our crazy dreams. Heck, we don’t even think we’ll ever get there.

If that little alien inside you is longing to be seen and heard, this is the moment to seize your truth and power!

But, be warned. The journey of pursuing truth is not for the fainthearted. Truth is always uncomfortable. It puts pressure on you to choose between sustaining your delusions and illusions, or to accept a new reality. The truth feels alien — so different and foreign from what we’re used to. But the truth inside you is you!

The journey of truth will challenge every atom of your being; everything you ever knew about yourself and the world. Each time you come into contact with the truth, you will be displaced from the familiar comforts of your life. You could easily find 1001 reasons to give up and quit on this journey.

One thing is certain: I am not here to sugarcoat or validate you.

Planet Awareness is not a platform to provide external motivation or quick fixes. I will point out the harsh truth and reality of life. You may or may not be ready to accept it. At the crossroads of truth, it is an opportunity to make a powerful choice for yourself.

Against the 1001 reasons to give up, you only need one reason to continue — because this is your life, and it is the only life you can be sure of.

I challenge you to make your life your greatest masterpiece. I challenge you to live courageously and truthfully, and to join the ranks of those who’ve made their life count. I challenge you to live your life boldly and freely, as you manifest your truest expression and authentic self constructively with courage, love, joy and compassion.

Join me on Planet Awareness, and allow that alien inside to shine brightly! Let’s go on this mother-fucking rocket adventure of life together!

The First Alien



Planet Awareness

This is a sacred space for those seeking for answers, solutions and truth. We are guided by the principles of healing and manifestation to transform lives.