What Muscles Do Push-Ups Work?

Planet Herbal
2 min readOct 25, 2023

Push-ups are a fundamental bodyweight exercise that can be performed anywhere and provide an effective workout for various muscle groups. They are a staple in many fitness routines, including military training and callisthenics, due to their versatility and ability to target multiple muscle groups simultaneously. In this article, we’ll explore what muscles do push ups work and how they contribute to overall upper body strength and fitness.

Chest (Pectoralis Major): The pectoralis major muscles, commonly referred to as the chest muscles, are the primary muscles engaged during a push-up. As you lower your body towards the ground and then push it back up, these muscles contract to provide the main force for the movement. Push-ups are an excellent exercise for developing and toning the chest.

Shoulders (Deltoids): Push-ups engage the anterior deltoids, which are the front shoulder muscles. These muscles play a significant role in stabilising your shoulders and assisting in the lifting phase of the exercise. Strong deltoids help give your upper body a well-rounded appearance.

Triceps: The triceps brachii, located at the back of your upper arm, are responsible for extending your elbows during a push-up. They are heavily engaged in the pushing phase of the exercise and are vital for developing arm strength and definition.

Back (Rhomboids and Trapezius): While not the primary focus of push-ups, the rhomboids and trapezius muscles in your upper back are activated to stabilize your shoulder blades as you lower and raise your body. This helps in maintaining proper form and posture during the exercise.



Planet Herbal

Planet Herbal as the name suggests is a website about health, fitness, and lifestyle.