PlanetQuest: Outposts Early Game Preview Sign-ups Open!

5 min readFeb 15, 2024


And what a time it will be.

The new year promises big things, Explorers! We have a lot lined up, which we can’t wait to share with you, but for now, we have to focus on our first preview of the year. That, of course, means our upcoming second Outposts preview! Don’t worry; you will be able to get your hands on it soon enough. In the meantime, we wanted to write this blog as a sort of primer, giving you an idea of what’s in store when you delve into the Early Game Preview alongside some other goodies. Let’s begin!

If you did not play the last Outposts Preview

Not to worry, here’s a quick primer: Outposts is a fun, light-weight, planet management strategy game that runs directly in your browser. It’s easy to learn, and you can try it even if you don’t own any of our Planet NFTs; in fact, it will remain free-to-play for non-planet owners. Consider it our love letter to old school web-based strategy games like OGame, while still being easy enough to pick up for everyone.

Early Game Preview — The High Level Details

If you’ve read our first Outposts Greenlight article, you’ll know what this preview is going to be all about. The focus this time will be on the new player experience, namely going through the first 3 days of the gameplay loop to see how fun and engaging it is. To that end, everyone will start with a Dwarf Planet and go through a streamlined onboarding process that will teach you the ropes before letting you loose on the game in a more freeform fashion.

That’s the basics, but there is a lot more under the hood. Just to name a few improvements:

  • Actions have been transformed into Missions, a more comprehensive, deeper gameplay experience. To that end, drone usage has been expanded, allowing for more freedom in how you approach tasks, alongside updated and expanded mission briefings, giving Outposts a more immersive feel, with some amazing new art serving as the cherry on top.
  • Factions will debut in this preview! Faction quests will start popping up while you play, allowing you to aid your chosen faction in both big and small ways.
  • We’re also introducing brand new Planet Events. Now, various challenges will crop up on your planet that could net you some great bonuses if you act quickly enough or lead to trouble if you don’t!

On top of that, your feedback has played a big part in the development of Outposts. Thanks to the 100’s of fully filled-out feedback forms we received, changes and revamps have been introduced to a multitude of game systems, UI, and leveling among them.

Reserving Your Outposts Slot + Planet Giveaway!

We’re nothing if not community-oriented here at PQ, so while you wait to get your hands on Outposts, we wanted to give you a chance to win something awesome while also making sure you’re among the first to play our newest preview.

The latter point first — we are expecting a lot of you to descend upon the Early Game Preview. That means we want to be certain we have enough capacity, and, naturally, we want everybody who plays it to have as smooth of an experience as possible. So, to that end, we’ve devised a clever system to allow those most excited among you to play as soon as we take the experience live!

To start, we have created a brand new landing/countdown page over at By going there, you can register (or log in) and reserve your spot in the upcoming playtest. Simple, no? A tried and true method of having those most eager be the first in line.

Speaking of planets, on to the winning something awesome part! As you know, our planets will play a huge role in the future of PlanetQuest, not only being the central pillar around which Outposts is built but also serving as a foundation for our economy going forward. We’ll expand on that as we release another blog post closer to the launch of the Early Access Preview, but for now, we want to give you a chance to be among those who will use their planet ownership to shape themselves into a legend.

When you sign up for the Early Access Preview, you are automatically entered into a giveaway for a chance to win something truly special — the Epic Planet on which PlanetQuest: The Graphic Novel takes place! One of you will become the proud owner of this luscious, yet dangerous Earth-like planet that’s orbited by two moons. At first glance, this world is gorgeous, teeming with various biomes, wildlife, and resources. However, one need only look closer to see the dangers that lurk beneath the surface. We will save the big reveals, twists, turns, and drama for the graphic novel, but suffice it to say; this planet is something special — a narrative cornerstone of our multiverse that you can own! That’s not all. In addition to owning the planet, YOU get to name it! That name will then become canon, immortalized forever in PQ lore.

If that sounds right up your alley, there’s more good news! You get more entries for the giveaway whenever someone joins using the invite link you’ll get access to after registering, so the more you spread the word, the better your chances are to win a planet that not only has massive narrative value, it’s also estimated to worth around $25,000. Did we mention that? Pretty nifty, huh?

All you need to do from there is play the Outposts preview once it's out, and you will be fully eligible to win the planet! Remember that only participating in the giveaway without playing Outposts won’t be enough. After all, it’s quite a big prize, so we want to ensure it’s in good hands.

That’s a lot of bombshells for one article, so we will leave it off here. We’re quite excited for all of you to get your hands on the preview! Keep an eye on this space, as we will be releasing another blog post once the Early Game Preview launches.

Until then, Explorers!




PlanetQuest is a brand new sci-fi universe, featuring books, comics, games and more, built together with the fans. Join today!