The Factions of PlanetQuest — What do you stand for?

6 min readJun 7, 2022


PlanetQuest invites you to travel to a far-flung future where humanity has broken through the limitations of Earth and gone to galaxies far beyond the Milky Way. For if you thought such a feat would only be possible by all of humanity working together in harmony, you were wrong for the most part. In the universe of PlanetQuest, ideological and political disagreements alongside historical and cultural differences have lead to the birth of three factions. These factions, each unique and powerful in their own right, exist in a state of fragile peace. This peace is maintained by the Universal Council, which includes members from all factions and allows for communal decision-making and a place to hash out concerns. This fragile collaboration also gave rise to the Explorer Program, where a few skilled members of all factions receive training and supplies to discover worlds beyond the known galaxies. Whether they do this for fame and glory, to satiate a desire for adventure, or to bring honor to their faction, is up to none other but you, fellow Explorers.

In the time of PlanetQuest, humanity is at the cusp of great discoveries. Of course, each of the factions would like to make the most of this. But what exactly is stopping them from sharing all things equally and fairly? To fully understand that, you would have to take a deep dive into the complex philosophical and cultural differences that divide them. Consider this History 101, Explorer, because this article is your first introduction to the stories behind the Federation, the Empire and the Union.

The Federation

First of all, let’s take a look at the faction that is known for being the oldest spacefaring faction that is still in existence, the Federation. Where many of the groups or factions that first took to space slowly ceased to exist or lacked the ability to maintain political importance, the Federation has prospered from the moment humanity took to the stars. They established the first and greatest Martian colony, and for a while, even had a monopoly on space and all it had to offer. Flash forward to centuries later where their success still lingers. It has manifested itself in their rich commerce, well-established trade routes rooted in the principles of individual merit and entrepreneurship. The Federation finds its home on a trifecta of planetary systems, also known as sectors, connected by an enormous space station. This station also serves as the economic and diplomatic hub of the Federation.

Each of the Federation’s sectors is ruled by a democratically elected president. These presidents work together to ensure every citizen of the Federation is free to profit off their prospering economy and encourage innovation and the advancement of technology. Indeed, there are close to no limits to the personal freedoms of people of the Federation . Decisions are made democratically through mutual self-interest and a stable and well-established political and governance structure. To preserve its positioning, The Federation has created institutions to support human capital development and empower members to reach their fullest potential.

However, there will always be trouble in what seems to be paradise — the Federation is regularly criticized by the other factions. It is accused of callousness and indifference toward its poorest citizens, lacking in ethical and moral virtues due to its excessive consumer culture as well as outright corruption. To the Empire, the Federation is viewed as fairly hedonistic and lacking honor amongst many other criticisms. To the Union, the Federation is viewed as fiercely unequal and conceited.

The Empire

Although the Federation might be the oldest of the factions, it is certainly no longer the largest. That role has been taken up by the Empire, which over the last few centuries has grown exponentially in wealth and size. The Empire’s military efforts have been rewarded with victory after victory, all under the guidance of the great Emperor, Solas Craine. It is then also of no surprise that the citizens of the Empire revere their Emperor. After all, it is he who made the Empire into the glorious state it is today. Honor, glory and tradition are the driving forces behind the Empire and its expansion. The Emperor holds absolute power, but under his rule, the citizens can live in peace, in an otherwise chaotic world.

The Empire finds its home in the largest system of planets. At its center lies the capital, the largest of all these planets and the home of the Imperial family and other elite and royalty. Surrounding it are other types of planets, where some are utilized for industry or commerce, while others are kept as Edens, personal paradises for those who have earned the Emperor’s favor. For within the Empire, loyalty is rewarded. Bring honor to the greatest of factions and power, wealth, and status shall be granted to you.

As with the Federation, the Empire also sees itself criticized by the other factions. Accusations of tyranny and oppression are amongst the first, along with a strict hierarchical doctrine that its people must endure. To the Federation, the Empire is considered rigid and puritanical. To the Union, the Empire is viewed as a society of opulent tyrants and oppressed peoples.

The Union

Though the seeds of the Union were already present long before humanity took to the stars, they would not bloom into full fruition until the conflict between the Federation and the Empire rose to a fever pitch. Amidst their clash, a growing sentiment for change could be heard. A number of Imperial houses were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the stranglehold held over them. Their people were suffering, and they could do nothing. Through a series of covert message exchanges between the Empire and Federation, the formation of the Union was all but assured. Spearheaded by the Imperial Addarian house, the Union took to the stars and officially separated from both factions.

The Union is the youngest of the factions, and considers itself a beacon of hope for a better future. Their separation from the Empire was of course not without struggle. They had to hide and flee, but over the years, through expanding their ships and their people, they grew more powerful. It was the Union that proved victorious over the Empire, which would have been the first defeat this faction had seen in centuries. After this, the Union grew exponentially and it took its place among the other two factions as an established and powerful political entity. The Union welcomes all and a wide variety of people call it home. Community and fairness is of great importance for its members. They take care of one another and make sure no one holds too much power, all the while paving the way for progress and change.

Even whilst being the youngest, the Union hasn’t escaped criticism from the older factions. Claims are many, of a chaotic and fractured society that stands in direct opposition to its intentions. Rumours of fierce punishments for citizens who put themselves above the group are also prevalent. To the Empire, the Union is considered deeply uncivilised and in violation of natural hierarchical order. To the Federation, the Union is viewed as a hypocritical and naive collective.

Despite relative civility and diplomacy (specifically in the Universal Council), each faction engages in perennial propaganda and the sowing of dissent of their counterparts. Covert and clandestine operations from each society look to forge any advantage they can over their factional equivalents.

The factions of PlanetQuest have been a long time in the making. This little piece of history is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their extensive lore and culture. Enjoy this segment? Fear not, we’ll be sharing more of these types of articles in the future. Let us know what other faction related information you are curious about, as we explore the rich PQ universe together. Until then, we’re sure this article has given you plenty to discuss with your fellow Explorers.




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