Enhancing the Value of Planq & $PLQ with Physica Finance

Planq Network
2 min readMay 28, 2024


Physica Finance is one of Planq’s flagship applications. As the premier decentralized exchange (DEX) and DeFi hub on the Planq Network, it will significantly enhance the value of Planq and our $PLQ coin. This blog explores how Physica Finance aims to achieve this goal.

Fully integrated in Castrum

We are excited to announce that Physica Finance will be fully integrated into Castrum, our mobile super-app, upon its release projected for Q3. This integration will bring more users and greater usability, as all swaps within the app will be conducted through Physica Finance.

Transaction/gas fees & Burns of $PLQ

To use Physica Finance, users will need $PLQ. Every transaction will require a small amount of $PLQ as a fee. Initially, this might seem minimal, but as the Planq Blockchain and our user base grow, the cumulative impact will be substantial and increase the need for $PLQ.

Each transaction also burns a small amount of $PLQ. While the current burn rate is modest, increased network activity will lead to significantly larger $PLQ burns over time.

All base pairs in $PLQ

All trading pairs on the DEX will involve our native $PLQ coin. At launch, the pairs will include:

Noble $USDC / $PLQ
$DELTA / $PLQ (DeltaSwap feeshare token)
$MAX / $PLQ (Memecoin on Planq)
$BET / $PLQ (Chadsbet token)

New pairs will also be paired and locked with $PLQ, reducing liquid $PLQ in the market and providing deeper liquidity, which contributes to price stability.


We hope this gives you insight into why we decided to launch Delta Swap and how we plan to use it to strengthen Planq’s native coin. For any questions about Planq or Delta Swap, please reach out to us via Discord or Telegram.

Thank you for reading


