Impressive terrarium plants that you will love

Plante UAE
9 min readSep 28, 2022

Closed terrariums create a beautiful and fascinating ecosystem that will look great in your home. They are quite easy to set up and maintain, as long as you choose the right plants. This article will help you choose the best and most beautiful plants for closed terrariums.

What are the best plants for closed terrariums? These 14 plants are ideal for a closed terrarium;

What kind of plants are suitable for a closed terrarium?

An enclosed terrarium creates a self-sufficient microenvironment that is constantly warm and humid, so select plants that love heat and humidity. For a low-maintenance, enclosed terrarium, choose slow-growing plants that stay small and have similar lighting requirements.

The plants featured here are mostly plants that thrive in medium to high intensity indirect sunlight; therefore, by grouping plants that share similar lighting preferences, you can locate your terrarium in a location that receives adequate lighting for those plants. In a properly constructed closed terrarium, you won’t need to water the plants very often, if at all, since moisture is constantly circulating throughout the closed system.

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It is important to recognize that articles recommending generic terrarium plants often list plants such as succulents that are suitable for open containers without mentioning that these plants do not do well in closed ones.


Peperomia contains mostly small, compact plants that grow epiphytically on decaying wood in their natural habitats, and usually do not reach more than 30 cm in height. They are mainly found in tropical and subtropical areas of Central and South America.

Although they vary greatly in size, shape, and color patterns, peperomia leaves are usually thick, fleshy, and smooth. Like most rainforest floor plants, they thrive in lighting conditions ranging from full shade to bright indirect sunlight.

Perhaps the most popular species of peperomia for closed terrariums is the emerald peperomia (Peperomia caperata) , as it only grows to a height of 8–15 cm. As its name suggests, this plant’s attractive heart-shaped leaves are emerald green with deep ruffles that offer an interesting variety of textures to any terrarium plant arrangement.’

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The oval-leaved peperomia (Peperomia obtusifolia) is another excellent option for a closed terrarium. Growing slightly larger than the emerald wave peperomia, this plant lives up to its name with its oval, cup-shaped leaves.

And its other common name of baby rubber plant. To maintain that vibrant green color, make sure the plant gets plenty of bright filtered or indirect light.

Growing to a height of just 8 inches (20 cm), the watermelon peperomia (Peperomia argyreia) also has cupped, oval-shaped leaves, but they stand out for being accented with striking silver stripes and bright red stems.


Pileas are a genus of tropical plants in the Urticaceae (nettle) family, and there are several species grown as houseplants that are also perfect for closed terrariums due to their small size, need for high humidity, and elegant foliage, in addition to its versatility in terms of lighting conditions and its easy care.

The genus name Pilea comes from the Latin word for “felt cap,” which describes the plant’s flower calyx. However, as with most terrarium plants, the interesting colors and textures of the leaves far outshine the flowers, plus the plants rarely flower indoors.

Native to the jungles of Vietnam, aluminum plants (Pilea cadierei) have dark green, toothed leaves with shiny metallic silver spots that give rise to their common name, and the dwarf cultivar Minima is a compact plant that grows up to a maximum 15 cm high.

The friendship plant (Pilea implicata) is another type of pilea that is very popular for use in closed terrariums. This bushy, trailing plant from Central and South America features beautifully textured clusters of green leaves with deep bronze hues framed by light green margins.

Dark Mysterious Pilea is a variety of this species that has elongated leaves with a unique chocolate brown color accented by contrasting silver streaks on the midribs. Its low, mounding growth habit makes it a good pilea choice for a closed terrarium.

And there is also the Pilea del Valle de la Luna (Pileamollis) . According to the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Plant Finder , this variety of pilea is often sold as Pilea implicata, and its foliage has a similar color pattern to that species, though the soft, velvety texture that characterizes Pilea mollis difference.

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In fact, the specific species name mollis means “soft” or “soft-haired,” while the common name of this cultivar is inspired by the way the exaggerated texture of the veins, combined with its otherworldly coloration , resembles the puckered surface of the moon.

Nerve plant (Fittonia albivensis)

Nerve plants (Fittonia albivensis) are highly colorful plants found on the ground in the tropical rainforests of Peru and Colombia, enjoying warm temperatures, high humidity, and partial or full shade. Compact and dwarf cultivars of this species are popular selections for enclosed terrariums, where they serve as eye-catching focal points.

Fittonias with common names such as nerve plant as well as mosaic plant and painted net leaf can have deep green foliage with bright red or hot pink veins, or their coloration can be reversed so that the leaves are red, pink, or purple. lavenders with intense green veins.

There are also fittonias with common names such as silver net leaf and silver thread that feature deep green foliage with intricate contrasting white veins.

Mosses (bryophytes)

Mosses (bryophytes) are non-vascular plants (that is, they do not have the specialized tissues for water and nutrient supply that most plants have) and do not take root.

Due to these unique characteristics, mosses absorb water primarily through their leaves, which are usually made up of a single layer of cells. This means that these little plants need to be constantly in contact with moisture.

Mosses are often used as ground covers in closed terrariums because they thrive in humid environments, don’t take up much vertical space due to their low profile and lack of root systems, and are very slow growing. Also, as mosses prefer full shade, they don’t mind being blocked by the foliage of larger plants in the tight confines of a terrarium.

The most common types of moss sold for terrariums are live sphagnum, leaf, cushion, spoon, and hair cap mosses . With such a variety available, you can even create a captivating enclosed terrarium filled exclusively with different types of moss, which you can place in a location that receives less light than would be necessary for most other types of plants.

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Spike mosses (Selaginellas)

Spike mosses (selaginellas) are not really mosses; but, like mosses, they are moisture-loving plants that work very well as closed terrarium plants, especially as ground cover. They are small, very durable plants that come in a wide variety of colors, patterns, and textures.

Looking much like tiny ferns, spike mosses will create a lush carpet of feathery foliage for your enclosed terrarium. And, in fact, selaginellas are very similar to ferns, both in their structure and in the virtue of producing spores. Since most species are native to the tropics, they also resemble ferns in that they are found on the rainforest floor, so they do best in partial or full shade.

Small ferns

Speaking of ferns , these feathery plants are well suited to the warm, humid environment of a closed terrarium, and there are several small varieties that make excellent additions to this type of miniature greenhouse.

The best ferns for these enclosures are the slow-growing varieties that reach 15–30 cm at maturity. By occasionally pruning or trimming new growth, you can keep ferns and other plants in order and encourage them to grow stronger instead of becoming unruly or leggy.

One of the most popular small ferns for enclosed terrariums, as well as for use as regular houseplants, is the easy-to-grow lemon button fern (Nephrous). lemon button fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia) . This adorable little plant is the smallest type of Boston fern, and features arching stems with alternating small, round leaflets. Lemon button ferns prefer medium to bright filtered sunlight.

Note that there is another type of fern, Pallaea rotundifolia, which is commonly called the button fern, but it is quite different from the lemon button fern and is not as suitable for closed terrariums.

Adiantums are a genus of ferns that are also popular for enclosed terrariums, as they like warmth, humidity, and full shade or filtered sunlight. Commonly known as maidenhair fern , they have distinctive black stems and bright green leaflets that will turn your enclosed garden into magical fairyland.

Southern maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) is a small fern in this genus that grows fairly slowly. It is native to the southern United States and the southern tropics. This delicate fern is also known as the Venus hair fern .

Another popular adiantum species that tends to thrive in closed terrariums is the delta maidenhair fern (Adiantum raddianum). Native to the tropical Americas and the West Indies, this fern has delicate leaflets with an attractive lace outline.

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However, keep in mind that as it is faster growing, you will need to be on the lookout for pruning this plant, so it is not the best option if your goal is to create a very low maintenance, self-sufficient terrarium.

Miniature English ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy (Hedera helix) , or common ivy, may not at first seem like a good choice of plant for enclosed terrariums, but the miniature version of this hardy vine is a small, easy-to-grow plant that adapts easily to the warm and humid environment of a closed container, as long as it does not receive too much light.

It offers a more familiar look than the exotic tropical plants often found in these container gardens. Also, you may be surprised to learn that common ivy grows less vigorously than other types of ivy .

Hedera helix has pretty lobed, heart-shaped leaves, and the miniature version comes in a variety of variegated colors and patterns. The vine trails along the ground and can serve as a ground cover, or can be allowed to climb, to provide some vertical greenery that can serve as an accent to other plant shapes and sizes.

Baby tears (Soleirolia soleirolii)

Another member of the Urticaceae family that is native to the Mediterranean area around Italy, baby’s tears (Soleirolia soleirolii) is a groundcover plant that likes warmth, humidity, and medium to indirect sunlight. intense. Other common names for this plant are angel’s tears, friendship plant, Corsican bindweed, helxin, mother of thousands, and Paddy’s wig .

Baby’s Teardrop’s small, delicate bright or yellowish-green leaves bring a sunny warmth to any terrarium arrangement. However, it is a faster growing plant, and it is also capable of vegetative reproduction, meaning it has the ability to reproduce asexually using an existing plant part.

Taken together, these factors make baby tears a less desirable option for those who want to set up a low-maintenance, enclosed terrarium. If you decide to use baby tears in this type of environment, be prepared to manage it by pruning so it doesn’t overgrow the limited space inside your terrarium.

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Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila)

The creeping fig (Ficus pumila) is a small ficus (also known as the fig plant) that originates from tropical East Asia and thrives in hot, humid environments. It grows as a dense ground cover or climbing vine, with aerial roots that secrete a latex glue that allows the plant to cling to its supports.

The species name pumila is related to the Latin word for “dwarf,” referring to the plant’s very small but thick leaves. This foliage can be solid green or variegated in a range of patterns and textures. So creeping fig can serve as an alternative to miniature English ivy if you prefer a more delicate-looking vine.

Although this hardy little plant is usually fast growing, look out for Ficus pumila varieties such as Bellus, which has white edged leaves, as well as Curly and Dorty creeping figs which have a medium growth rate, making them more suitable for plants in closed terrariums.

Polka dot plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya)

Add a touch of playfulness to your enclosed terrarium with the Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya) , a charming little plant that features pretty pink, purple, red or white spots on green leaves. This heat and humidity loving plant needs medium to high intensity indirect lighting and will become weak if it does not receive enough light. Another sign that you are not getting enough light is the loss of your moles.

As with golden pothos, spotted plants tend to grow vigorously, so you may need to pinch back new growth to encourage the plant to stay fuller and more compact. The Polka Dot Confetti Plant is a small variety, growing up to 8 inches (20 cm) in size.

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Last word

I hope you have enjoyed reading about these 14 ideal plants for closed terrariums. I have really enjoyed building and caring for my terrarium and I hope this article will help you with yours.

There are many different terrariums to choose from, from the most affordable and practical to the most expensive but impressive. I have used the first option to build a really successful terrarium. The second option is the terrarium of my dreams to get one day.

If you really want to go all out with building a closed terrarium, the BiOrb Air is awesome. It controls humidity and watering for you, has built-in lighting, and just plain looks awesome.

