The Triceps Pushdown: Instructions. Benefits. Variations.

4 min readSep 1, 2022


The triceps stretch can also be called the tricep pulldown (or rope pushdowns), or cable triceps stretch (or cable triceps pushdown). No matter what you call it, the triceps pushing down is one of the most effective exercises for building triceps.

It is usually done with the cable system but you can also train at home for your triceps using a resistance strap. A vital exercise for all fitness levels is the triceps pulldown.

The Tricep Pushdown. Working Muscles

Primary Muscle Group

The triceps pulldown can be described primarily as an exercise for isolating the triceps, not as a compound movement. It’s a great exercise to target your quadriceps. As you have probably guessed, the main target muscle in the triceps pulldown is your chest.

The scientific name for this muscle is Tricep Brachii (Latin, meaning “three-headed muscles of the arm”). When you raise the arm, your medial, long, and lateral triceps heads all work together.

In pushdown motion, the triceps pulldown separates medial and lateral parts of the upper triceps.

Secondary Muscle Group

You will also be able to stimulate several other muscle groups by doing this exercise. These include the muscles of the lats(latissimus Dorsi), your abdominals(rectus abdominis), and Obliques (“exterior Obliques”), as well. The pecs are the pectoralis principal as minor pectoralis), and trapezius (“trapezius”).

To support and stabilize the pulldown movement, the secondary muscles are activated. However, using your chest, shoulders, back, and chest to lower the weight can cause injury.

The Tricep Pushdown has many benefits

#1 Gains In Strength

It has many benefits.

Because they extend the elbow and shoulder muscles, strong triceps will help stabilize your shoulder joint. You can strengthen your triceps to improve your stability in your elbows as well as your shoulders.

Strengthening your triceps muscles will allow you to gain weight and increase strength in the upper arms.

The triceps pushing down is a great exercise for athletes, bodybuilders and anyone who wants to strengthen their upper arms. It doesn’t really matter if your goals are to lift heavy objects, throw an object, or improve your upper arm appearance.

#2 Isolation

As we said, the triceps pulsup is an isolated movement. This is great if you are suffering from muscular imbalances or muscle size; you can just focus on your chest.

You could do the triceps pulldown if, for example, your chest is more powerful than your arms.

If you strengthen your chest muscles, you can bench press more with specially-designed barbells. They can be used together in a bench press.

#3 Convenience

You can only find expensive equipment at gyms for certain tricep exercises. You don’t need a cable system to do the traditional triceps pushing down. All you need is a resistance strap.

A strong rod or hook can be used to connect the light resist band to increase the strength and size of your triceps.

Continue reading to learn about the pushdown resist bands!

Instructions for The Tricep Pushdown


  • You can face a pulley by placing your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • When you’re using rope, pull the rope toward your butt side. Your palms should be facing each other. If you are using the bar, grasp the bar with your palms towards the ground.
  • For the first time, raise your chest slightly and bend your shoulders slightly.


  1. Pull the attachment down so your arms are fully extended.
  2. For maximum contraction, you can stop the exercise after the last rep. For the duration, maintain a straight wrist position.
  3. Now, gradually release the weight to return to the original position.


For beginners, three sets should be between 8–10 reps. Once you have mastered this workout, try out different sets/reps combinations and faster speeds to push your body.

The Tricep Pushdown Mistakes

#1 Excessive Elbow Movement

Many people allow the elbows to move back and forth when they move. You technically can increase your body weight by using this motion. However, your elbows will be used to complete your workout.

You can increase the strength of your quadriceps muscles by keeping your elbows close to your body. You will experience a more powerful contraction in your triceps.

#2 Flaring Elbow

Flaring the elbow is another error that can be made with the elbows. When you flaring your elbow towards the sides, the shoulder muscles and the chest muscles become dominant. The triceps pushdown movement becomes a jackhammer motion.

For effective triceps development, proper form is key.

#3 Curling the Writs

In an attempt to be more complete, many people will curl their wrists at pushdown’s end in order to do a longer exercise. Contrary to popular belief, it is actually the opposite. Curling your wrists will relieve tension from your triceps muscles but cause unnecessary stress to your wrist.

For each repetition, keep your wrists still!

Variations to the Tricep Pushdown

#1 Resistance Band Triceps Pulldown

An exercise band, similar to a cord system, can be used to perform the exercise. A resistance band provides a different type of resistance to the typical cable/rope pushdown.

The resistance will increase as the band becomes longer. A cable, however, offers the same resistance. For people who are often on the move or want to do some exercise at home, resistance bands are a practical and less costly option.

#2 Alternating Triceps Pushdown

Only one arm is needed to do the alternate triceps pushdown exercise. The weight should be reduced and the triceps exercises performed in the same way. For athletes who want to eliminate muscle imbalances between stronger and weaker arms, single-arm pushdown triceps is a great option.

#3 Reverse grip Triceps Pushdown

The traditional reverse grip pushdown exercise can also be used. With reverse grips the palms face upwards while the palms face downwards.

This technique won’t allow you to compete as a heavierweight. However, this technique can be used to aid those who have problems with elbow flare. To do so, keep their elbows straight and engage the triceps.

