How To Get Started With Yoga When You Are A Beginner

Debbie Rodrigues
4 min readJan 5, 2017


Yoga for beginners has recently got my attention even though it has always been part of my life. Here’s how I started.

When I was little, my mom did yoga for a while but I cannot recall much of that time.

I think I only joined her once but she taught me a thing or two back then.

Her teacher would let her know what I could do and how. She also had this pocket book I used to read a lot.

Thanks to my years of ballet, flexibility was not a problem either.

Even though I did not understand much of the philosophy behind it, I liked yoga.

Start #yoga the easy way with these 5 #tips. #coaching Click To Tweet

Interesting however, the only time I did yoga on a regular basis was many years later at work.

For some time, they offered sessions in the evenings, after office hours and it was perfect for me. Unfortunately, those classes did not last enough and I never tried it again afterwards.

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Time has always been the excuse.

I am not going to lie and say I did not have it.

The thing is that between what I was doing and yoga, I always picked up strength training and cardio.

When you have little time, it is only normal to prioritize activities.

Yoga, despite all its benefits, never made the top of my list. Never until now…

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” - The Bhagavad Gita

The reasons why I started to make time for yoga are a mix of not being able to do what I normally do with needing its benefits.

I was hoping to be able to start with weight training in July after my brain tumor surgery, but my body wanted something else.

By mid-June, 2015, I started to have strange symptoms.

I did my best in not letting them get to me, but I had no idea about what I should think.

So while I postponed resistance training for a little longer, why not strengthening my body in a different way?

Sick and tired of #stress? Try #yoga! #coaching Click To Tweet

In this process, I have been inspired by Jess from Hello to Fit and Michele from A Pace of Balance.

But because I do not have access to a yoga studio in the area, I decided to go solo. And for that I am thankful for my iPad and YouTube.

I went very slow with yoga.

Not only I’m pretty much a beginner, but my muscles were rigid too.

You wouldn’t recognize the contortionist (as I was sometimes called in BJJ) in me anymore.

Back then, I had to use bands a lot to make sure my posture was correct.

Check these 5 tips to get started with yoga if you are a beginner like me.

Besides, I was also feeling very dizzy then.

I just couldn’t go crazy and force myself too much. It would probably mean the end of the session for me and I do not want it to happen.

So, I learned how to enjoy short 10 and 15-minute sessions and even started to see some tiny progress.

I also used my yoga for beginners training as a sort of stretching after running.

As soon as I got home, I did some SMR first.

After it, instead of going doing tradition stretch, I did yoga.

Yoga is also my exercise of choice on rest days in general.

In other words, I am doing it every day.

How about some #catyoga just for the #fun? #coaching Click To Tweet

The funny part of it is that I am not practicing yoga alone.

Most of the times, I have a very special partner whose downwards facing dog are much better than mine.

I am not going to play smart and try to show you poses myself because I am no pro.

Please check the ladies I mentioned above and you will get the real deal.

4 questions to bring clarity to your goal setting. Download the questionnaire today and start your journey to become more productive and improve your lifestyle.

I might share a vid or two in the future because I have been filming myself anyways. It is the only way I can see what I am doing right and what needs to be improved.

I am excited to try new apps and YouTube channels. Some of them recommended by my fellow Sweatpink Ambassadors. And be sure that I will be updating you about all the details.

Is yoga part of your routine? If yes, do you do yoga for beginners or are you advanced?

And if you got some tips for me, please leave me a comment below. The more I can learn, the better.

Yoga for beginners has recently got my attention even though it has always been part of my life. Here’s how I started.

Originally published at Debbie Rodrigues.



Debbie Rodrigues

Productivity Expert ⌛️ Helping busy independent women create a productive routine that fits their lifestyle. 📧