CREST Badges 💎

2 min readOct 24, 2022


Heyyo Maven, hope you’re doing well — Everything is going well on our side. We are working 24/7, with a lot of passion; you can’t even imagine how excited we are to release everything! 🛠

But before releasing everything… Let me introduce the first 3 limited badges of the Crest Kingdom, players holding these badges will reap the rewards daily!

*Note that $CREST token will be managed by our Liquidity Manager between a $10–$20 range.

Amber 🏵

— A stone containing the light of a dying sun.

Price: 3 $CREST
Daily Rewards: 0.03 $CREST
: 1%
Duration: 365 days

Amethyst ♈️

— A stone filled with one of the four primordial elements.

Price: 12 $CREST
Daily Rewards: 0.132 $CREST
: 1.10%
Duration: 365 days

Ruby ♦️

— A stone filled with the blood of the ancient gods.

Price: 70 $CREST
Daily Rewards: 0.91 $CREST
: 1.30%
Duration: 365 days

We are pleased to announce that our development is now complete! Every Smart Contract, all the different website pages, and all functions on the dApp have been fully tested and verified. You will soon be able to test our creation with the testnet version, which may probably make you eligible for something cool.. 🙄🪂

In other news, we recently hosted our second AMA, where we released some big insights into all the latest happenings with Crest. Don’t worry if you missed it; you can always catch the YouTube replay here.

As always, we love to give you guys sneak peeks that you can still see on our Twitter & Discord ✨, so be sure to keep a close eye for more …very soon.




$CREST • The first deflationary #RealYield protocol on #Optimism Blockchain