Negro Spirituals and Contradictions

Ronald Williams
1 min readAug 27, 2020

Every morning I attempt to meditate

Bring my body to a state of peace

And construct a remedy of being

By 10,

I will have tree-posed myself

Into a cup of black tea

By 11,

I will have consumed a library of ambition

By 12,


will construct another tragedy

That will distort every chakra

that I previously aligned

Should I truly believe that this

Isn’t by design?

It is difficult to pray

When you constantly feel like prey

While I watch my country

Produce shootings like Netflix series

Just to give me the role of terrorist

A radical Is one who realizes

That peace and chaos are somewhat synonymous

A honest duality that we refuse to commit to

I seek my ancestors for guidance

Because although my heart says be righteous

My spirit says nigga riot

Work of the spirit is a full time job

When you constantly have to convince yourself

That other people have them…

