PlayerOne signs Partnership with PlayDonut

2 min readJan 4, 2019


Hello Community!

Today, our team is delighted to announce that we have signed an official partnership agreement with ‘PlayDonut’ an eSport tournament platform.

PlayerOne is like the ‘Linkedin’ platform made for Gamers, which uses blockchain technology to transform the game, team activity and tournament records into gamer assets. PlayDonut is an eSport company, which actively conducts eSports tournaments based on both online and offline PC cafes.

Through this partnership, PlayerOne’s gamer ID will be used for registration and identification for eSports tournament conducted by PlayDonut. After the tournament is over, tournament records and awards will be automatically recorded in gamer profile and team profile.

CEO of PlayDonut, Seokshin Oh said, “I realize that the level of amateur game tournament participants and the enthusiasm is has been rising since eSports has become an Official Asian game event. However, I was always disappointed with the fact that all the tournament related records are kept separately and could not be integrated into a single system. The greatest advantage of PlayerOne’s integrated gamer profile is that it can be utilized by both tournament participants and eSports tournament operators like PlayDonut.”

CEO of PlayerOne, Charlie Kim said, “Many famous Steamers participate and broadcast eSports tournaments hosted by PlayDonut and they are also sponsored by various sponsors including game companies, PC cafe franchises, and game hardware companies. Signing partnership with PlayDonut will allow us to integrate all the game tournament records into a single site, PlayerOne’s gamer profile. Our gamer profile will be used as an important data linking amateur gamers and the professional game team in the eSport industry.”

안녕하세요 플레이어원 여러분!

2019년 새해를 맞아 플레이어원팀에서 즐거운 소식을 전해드립니다.

플레이어원이 e스포츠 토너먼트 플랫폼인 ‘플레이도넛(PlayDonut)’과 파트너십을 체결하였습니다. 플레이도넛(PlayDonut)은 온라인과 국내 PC방을 거점으로 e스포츠 대회를 활발하게 진행중인 e스포츠 전문 기업입니다.

이번 협력을 통해 플레이도넛이 진행하는 e스포츠 대회 참여 신청과 신원확인에 플레이어원 게이머 ID가 활용되며, 경기가 종료되면 경기 기록 및 수상 기록이 게이머 프로파일과 팀 프로파일에 업데이트 될 예정입니다.

자세한 내용은 아래 기사를 참고해주시길 바랍니다.

게이머 프로필 플랫폼 플레이어원, e스포츠 전문 기업 플레이도넛과 MOU 체결 — SBSCNBC, 2019.01.04

플레이어원, 플레이도넛과 상호 업무협약 체결 — 세계파이낸스, 2019.01.04

