PlayerOne, the Platform!

5 min readNov 27, 2018


Hello Community,

This time we want to delve into the service platform we’ve been building. I want to start by unwrapping a few details from our white paper.

In summary, PlayerOne is building a gamer identity protocol to standardize player profiles to support all activities within and surrounding the gaming industry by implementing blockchain technology.

Now, that’s a loaded sentence. So let’s break it down, what does this mean?

Let’s move backward, starting from ‘why blockchain?’

In recent years, with the rise of social media taking a strong foothold in personifying digital identities, the significance of individuals maintaining and curating an online presence has also grown as a part of one’s self-representation. Unfortunately, such developments have also given rise to mass vulnerability: hacks and sale of data pertaining to identity. The move from identities being defined by a centralized authority to being defined by the end-users’ activity has shifted the ways in which corporations manage, consolidate, and monetize digital identities. In so doing, the need for self-sovereign identities has surfaced to light.

Similarly, for players in the gaming industry, gamer identities are properties of game companies — like Facebook et al; play stats, tournament history, creative content (streams and recorded gameplay), team history, are all at the hands of the centralized entities and not the gamer. When we say fragmented data, this is what we mean.

What blockchain offers, is a means for gamers to create an umbrella identity under which gamers can consolidate in-game aliases, manage, connect and ultimately monetize gaming identities at their sole discretion. What blockchain offers, is a means for gamers to maintain verified, unforgeable and permanent identities that represent their gameplay, stats, aptitudes, and other related activities, at their sole discretion. Regardless of how the centralized servers operate, flourish or go bankrupt, each gamer can continue on and preserve their gamer identities and aspire to build a unique legacy of gameplay to their “name”. And while at it, gamers will be able to monetize their gamer identities with blockchain facilitating transparent circulation of cryptocurrencies supported by a real utility in and out of games.

PlayerOne Gamer Identity Protocol

Now, where is the value in building a network of standardized player profiles?

Take a moment to think about any professionalized sport. Take any of your favorite athletes for example. Before you took the time to type in their well-established name on your search engine to check out their bio and stats, existed a record of their career in the making — perhaps from junior league to amateur, from one coach to another, etc. — that allowed the athlete entry/recruitment into the pro realm. Without a comprehensive industry neutral standard of record keeping of the like, the athlete, let alone the professionalized sport, will have no way of achieving official recognition nor an organized structure. Under an organized structure, not only does a player on the path to becoming a reputable pro athlete become transparent and reliable, but it also allows for official industry professions to take claim as key constituents of the sport. With the expansion of official entities taking shape, be it a registered fan club, a referee, a coach, a caster, a team, a sponsor, and more, the industry will be able to expand and gain unwavering mainstream support.

At PlayerOne, we recognize eSports as a legitimate sport on the rise, but also acknowledge that it is beset by polarized agendas and fragmented record keeping. We want to change that while preserving the diverse nature eSports. That is, while recognizing the creative intellectual property of game creators, of diverse gameplay, rules, tournament organizers, and with it, prize winnings.

PlayerOne ID profiles, the gamer, at the center of our vision

Alas, what do we mean by gamer identity protocol?

PlayerOne proposes to build an infrastructure for the eSports market that goes beyond one platform, one service. While we want to lead the industry towards building a standardized, industry-neutral system of identification by servicing a platform to jumpstart a reliable network — from relevant gamer matchmaking, gameplay scheduling, recruitment, to team management — our service layer will help facilitate gamers to create a formidable database for all industry partners to build and evolve together. With gamer profiles at the center of our service, we envision the network to grow both vertically and horizontally. What we mean by vertical, is that gamers will be able to build a career, monetize and achieve recognition as an athlete, and create a systematic structure, a ladder, that represents and establish themselves in the eSports market. Horizontally speaking, all other industry partners can build services to support an athlete, and ultimately, the sport. For instance, through platforms and services that host fan management, sponsorships, donations, merchandise, and more. To facilitate and support this borderless international sport, PlayerOne proposes the issuing of utility token PLO where the value lies in connectivity, and without question, diversified expansion of utility!

PlayerOne as the foundational infrastructure

As detailed in our whitepaper, our vision is that PlayerOne will become the global standard of gamer identities, how they are searched and verified, and where PlayerOne tokens can be utilized as a universal gaming currency.

To manifest our vision, PlayerOne will build a trustless gamer database to support a reliable gaming environment for all parties involved in the gaming industry. In effect, we plan to build a standardized infrastructure where games and related services can operate and flourish cost-efficiently, and where gamers can experience enhanced entertainment and monetize gameplay.

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