Playground Safety Tips From Experts

2 min readApr 25, 2022


Outdoor activities and playground equipment offer kids fresh air, friends, fun and exercise. Also, it is important to make sure that faulty equipment, improper, surfaces, and unsafe behaviour don’t ruin the fun. You can make the playground entertaining and safe for your kids by checking equipment for possible hazards and following some simple safety guidelines.

Playground safety is important. Unsafe playground structures can even lead to death or serious injuries. Whether you are a recreation facility, public park or school, you need to support playground inspection certification for safe outdoor play areas. Playing open area provide kids with opportunities who tackle new challenges and build interpersonal skills, such as sharing and collaborating with peers. While more research is needed to better understand playground injuries, there are steps you can take now. Here are a few tips that can help you build a safe and entertaining playground for the little ones.

1: Conducting regular safety inspections

Prevention is better than cure. A quick inspection of the area can help you identify such risks and prevent unnecessary accidents. You can check the surfacing. When choosing a suitable playground surfacing, it is important to consider a few things. Make sure the play area is designed in a way that of all abilities can access and enjoy it. Make sure you inspect the spacing between the equipment and also inspect the playground equipment thoroughly.

2: Convince of safe clothing

Another important tip is to raise awareness of appropriate playground clothing. A large percentage of playground safety issues arise when children wear dangerous clothing. Strings or sweatshirts should be removed before playing on playground equipment. Making sure children wear closed shoes and have shoelaces tied are other good playground clothing practices.

3: Choose the right play area based on your age group

Make sure that children use appropriate playground equipment. Separate areas for playing children under 5 should be available in maintained. For babies who are learning to walk, the play area should have a smooth and easy surface to walk on. If your baby has fairly good head control and can set up with support give the baby swing a try.

4: Proper maintenance of playground

Children enjoy running around, climbing and having fun. This also means they occasionally fall. The possibility of injury from falling can be greatly reduced by properly installing surfaces under and around equipment, as well as ensuring that equipment is up to code. When playgrounds are properly maintained with appropriate surfacing, the likelihood good of injury decreases when a child falls.

Playgrounds are an essential component of a child’s growth and development. Hence, these areas should be designed in a way that the kids can have an enjoyable time without worrying about falls and injury.

