Published in
4 min readMar 11, 2019

Dear LOTEO community and investors,

Our recent blog posts, focusing mainly on the players, have shortly described why LOTEO is a revolutionary project and analyzed in a nutshell how it works. We have also explained why we use the blockchain technology to run the lottery. Hopefully you have enjoyed reading them.

Both the users and players, who at the same time promote the LOTEO further, are the backbone of our ecosystem.

Besides them we would also like to highlight here the importance of the investors without whom LOTEO would not arise and make any progress.

We are introducing to you a WIN-WIN strategy where both players and investors benefit from LOTEO every week and which is the long term path we are aiming.

Therefore we have decided to summarize and emphasize why to invest in LOTEO now.

As described in the whitepaper, our security token LOTES is meant to be sold only in private funding round to accredited contributors from venture capital funds. This token grants owners an opportunity to profit from being a part of the lottery in amount 20% of each prize total value without being attendees.

There are two rounds of the token sale:

As you can see, there is a half price of the token if you invest in the first round of the sale and this is a huge advantage and incentive for the early investors.

Despite the fact that the LOTES tokens are going to be locked for 15 months, the investors will always profit from them and receive their part of the 20 % prize pool paid weekly (or daily in the near future) in ETH available for instant withdrawal.

Let’s make a couple of calculations:

Investment of 100 000 EUR is equal to 2 000000 LOTES tokens (2 % of all LOTES) and 20,8 % annual ROI as indicated below. You can see the difference if you invest in the first round compared to the second one.

The LOTEO has its turnover targets set up as every successful company in the market. In the table below we have calculated the annual ROI for the investment of 100 000 EUR with various targets and included the comparison between the first and the second round investment.

Please note that this table does not deal with any daily games profits.

It is important to mention that after the second round of the LOTES token sales, the token will be listed on exchanges that fulfill criteria.

Hence the early investors have better starting point for LOTES token future price appreciation.

Furthermore, we plan to distribute a part of the LOTEO gaming platform profits to our early investors as well.

Let me recap the advantages for early investors:

• A unique chance to be a part of LOTEO from the very beginning and receive ETH for instant withdrawal every week and later on daily

• 20% of total prize pool is redistributed to the LOTES owners with minimum ROI goal of 20 % p.a.

• Rights resulting in decisions making

• Favourable token price conditions and possible future value appreciation

• Gaming platform profits share

Currently there is no similar decentralized application working properly and therefore LOTEO is creating a revolution in this industry with a unique affiliate program, transparency thanks to blockchain, user friendly UX and UI, upcoming airdrops and so many other great features and news.

Remember that in LOTEO you bet only against other purchased tickets hence the players chances to win are much higher than in conventional lotteries. There is a winner in every drawing.

We believe this proposal is attractive enough but we have more to come since Loteo’s mission to the moon is supported by a few industry legends whose names will be revealed soon.

For more questions do not hesitate to contact us as mentioned below or read about unique token structure in our blog post or the official whitepaper.

For up-to-date information, subscribe here: https://www.playloteo.com

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Loteo is digital automated lottery platform that uses blockchain and smart contracts to create a fully transparent lottery with bigger chances to win.