Two new advisors support us!

DAO PlayMarket 2.0
1 min readNov 6, 2017


Great news!
We are supported by two new advisors!

Larry Bates is a Chief Security Officer/President of Bitland Global organization. He has always been at the forefront of technology and social progress. Mass adoption of new technology is not mere child’s play, but he has always strived to be an innovator that not only creates and designs new technology but also be a pioneer who helps to bring new tech to the world.

Aaron Koenig is an entrepreneur, consultant, writer and film producer, specialised in Bitcoin and Blockchain technology. He has been actively promoting Bitcoin and Blockchain technology since June 2011 by writing about it and by organising events and meetups. He has also been a speaker and panelist at numerous conferences. He has created websites for clients such as MTV, ARD German Television, Die Zeit, Der Stern, Milka Chocolate and many others.

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