PlayPhone Reviews Entertaining Kids During a Pandemic with Mobile Gaming Apps

Playphone Games
2 min readAug 28, 2020


Playphone reviews

There is no denying that the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has impacted our children in several ways. One of the major changes is a move to virtual. From learning to socializing to play, kids have had to adapt and live their lives through a screen instead of face to face. Days that were once spent at school, at camp or at daycare are now spent at home…where us parents are trying to juggle keeping up a household, completing our full-time job remotely, home schooling older kids, and figuring out childcare for the young ones. While jumping on a conference call or trying to put together a report or proposal, we struggle with how to distract and entertain the kids, particularly kids in the 2- 8 age range!

Fortunately, mobile gaming has caught on to the demand by rolling out new gaming platforms and discounted game memberships. Social gaming networks like PlayPhone have provided virtual entertainment with a platform built for online gaming with friends. Mobile gaming is a way for kids to play and socially interact with friends while challenging themselves and competing for rewards. It keeps kids’ attention and it can provide a cost effective, safe, and educational activity to eat up a few hours during the day.

While PlayPhone reviews show they offer games for all ages, there are other mobile gaming apps focused on the 2–8 age range discussed. PlayKids is an educational based mobile app that provides a user-friendly experience for young children. Understandably, the app has seen a major increase in subscribers since the pandemic began.

PlayKids contains educational quizzes and activities for kids to enjoy. They can explore over 3000 videos, books, games, and cartoons, providing a fun way to learn reading, math, art, and music. Parents are rest assured their kids are in a safe and controlled learning environment while navigating through PlayKids. Content is curated by specialist making sure the best educational opportunities are provided.

For a low monthly subscription of $9.99, PlayKids allows multi-access so kids can use the account at the same time on different devices. Whether you have an iPhone, iPad, Android, tablet or Smart TV, PlayKids makes it easy for kids to connect and learn!

Let’s face it, as parents, we have a lot to juggle these days. Finding a good activity to keep our children entertained while we work from home or get chores done is a life saver. Keeping the older kids socially connected on mobile gaming platforms like PlayPhone or challenging the younger ones with apps like PlayKids can help us all get through this pandemic together!



Playphone Games

Playphone Games is a mobile platform that allows users to earn reward spins and redeem winnings for gift cards while enjoying unlimited premium games.