3 Motivational Challenges Influencing Your Workout Habits

6 min readApr 2, 2018



Matan Hoffman, CEO of Apex Sport Performance (ASP) and Director of Sport Science at Playtness

Hello again sports lovers!

Playtness is a revolutionary new company that’s turning fitness training into a fun, engaging, personalized and addictive experience. It’s a company I’m proud to be a part of and one that allows me to harness my tenure and experience in this exciting industry like never before.

Officially, I’m the CEO of Apex Sport Performance (ASP) and Director of Sport Science at Playtness. That means that when it comes to the field of personal training, I’m your guy. I’ve worked with a wide range of trainees, from US Special Forces’ units and professional athletes to fitness enthusiasts of every level.

I know what it takes to maximize performance and optimize one’s fitness ability.

But that doesn’t mean that the personal trainer’s job is without challenges. In fact, personal trainers face many difficulties, barriers and constraints on a regular basis, in part due to changes in society AND the fitness industry. To maintain and maximize our client base, we, the trainers have to work extra hard and use tools and techniques never before linked to the gym training experience.

But what exactly are these hurdles? Let’s take a deeper look.

Apex Sport Performance- sport center

Physical limitations

Let’s face it: personal trainers may have Herculean muscles, but we are definitely not demigods. We’re humans, just like you. We can only be in one place at one time and can only juggle so many trainees and their fitness needs, properly and efficiently. Personal trainers are limited in the clients they can train, according to the geographical area they are located in, which ultimately inhibits their ability to reach a greater number of trainees and maximize revenues. And since personal trainers’ job is “personal,” i.e. one-on-one with each trainee, the number of trainees that potentially could be reached and managed within a single geographic region are also quite limited. Personal trainers simply cannot train more than X trainees a day. And that’s without taking into account potential travel times between training sessions not scheduled at the same gym or location.

Social-Competition challenges

Another huge challenge for personal trainers is beating out the competition (other trainers) for trainee clients. The fitness industry may be on the rise, expected to increase by 31.7% by 2020, but so are methods of mass communication and marketing. It is no longer enough for us trainers to exhibit expertise in just our field — fitness. To maximize your exposure and attract the largest possible client-base, we’ve got to go social. The better you can market yourselves to potential trainees through the social channels they already utilize, like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the greater your chances are of generating a constant flow of trainees to your services. The more likes, shares and comments your posts and business pages receive, the better. But if you don’t step up to the social media marketing plate, you’ll likely lose many potential clients to less-qualified trainers who just so happen to be social media savants.

The obstacle of incomplete information

Playtness App (PT Rating)

Like I mentioned before, at the end of the day, personal trainers are regular people. We are not omnipotent. That means, that if trainees don’t clue us in on any outside exercise, physical or medical conditions or other pertinent information, it can be really hard for us to manage their fitness journey and help them achieve the best possible results. Without access to complete and up-to-date trainee information, we are unable to effectively manage and adapt their workouts, which can lead to inaccurate training planning and even dissuade the trainee from sticking to his or her fitness goals.

How Playtness overcomes these challenges

As Director of Sport Science at Playtness, I have been privileged to be part of a great group of fitness industry innovators who have recognized and attacked the challenges faced by personal trainers head-on. Thanks to the development of Playtness’ Personal Trainer Management System (PTMS), trainers like you and me can better create, maintain and adapt personalized trainee workout regimens, without worrying about physical limitations, competitive advantages or incomplete information. Here’s how:

One platform to reach them all

Personal Trainer Management System (PTMS)

With Playtness, you can say goodbye to geographic, client-number and informational limitations. Playtness personal trainer management system (PTMS) decentralized the fitness industry, so you can plan workout regimes for many more trainees and simultaneously work with multiple trainees — located anywhere around the world. All trainee data appears on a single dashboard, enabling more effective supervision and management of trainees’ needs and progress, regardless of their physical location.

What’s more, trainers can use the dashboard to monitor clients’ progress, track their results, receive real-time updates and on trainee performance, recognize more efficient fitness solutions and make fitness program changes to ensure goals are reached. All of this — without having to be physically present in the same vicinity as the trainee.

Empowering trainees to make the right choices -for themselves

Playtness Stigo Avatar

The Playtness platform helps trainees choose the best possible trainer to suit their fitness needs. Trainees can use the platform to check out personal trainer rankings and metrics based on professional characteristics and achievements, instead of having to rely on cheesy selfies on personal trainers’ social pages or websites. This way, trainers can successfully attract trainee clients based on skills, abilities and proven fitness results, while ensuring trainees get their money’s worth when hitting the gym.

But Playtness is so much more than the answer to personal trainers’ challenges. With the Personal Trainer Management System, trainers can:

  • Use the Personal Trainer Dashboard to track and manage their business in an efficient way. Personal trainers can view data analytics regarding their fitness content and lesson schedules and monitor and analyze trainees’ progress
  • Build customized training programs for each trainee based on his or her initial characteristics
  • Reach a large pool of customers that includes trainees from all around the world
  • Use a complete set of trainee management tools to oversee their customers’ training program and make changes based on their progress
  • Track and manage debts and balance payments using the Personal Trainer Hub
  • Create customer reports based on trainee analytics and preferences
  • Record Personal Trainer voice, to be played during the workout as a motivational feature. The SW automatically plays the audio, based on predetermined settings
  • Create and develop their brand by receiving high rankings and advertising their activities

Personal trainers face many obstacles when working to attract, engage, maintain and train clients. But, thanks to Playtness’ innovative platform, trainers can access a complete suite of unique tools that do away with these barriers, while introducing great ways to create a much more personalized and effective fitness journey for many more trainees, regardless of their physical location.

Personal trainers wishing to join our platform can sign up for the registration form.

For more information, we invite you to visit our websites:


Apex Sport Performance




Playtness is tokenizing the world of fitness by creating an ecosystem for its members, powered by smart contracts💪