11 Easter Scavenger Hunt Ideas with Free Printable Game Cards

3 min readMar 12, 2024


Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is around the corner, and it’s time to hop into action with some exciting scavenger hunt ideas! Whether you’re planning a hunt for kids, adults, or the whole family, these 11 ideas will add a special touch to your Easter celebration, whether you’re indoors or outdoors. Plus, we’ve included easter scavenger hunt prize ideas and free easter scavenger hunt printable game cards to make your planning even easier!

1. Easter Storybook Hunt

Dive into a world of adventures with an Easter storybook hunt! Hide Easter-themed storybooks or picture books around your home, each containing clues or messages. As participants find and read each book, they’ll unlock clues that lead them one step closer to the ultimate Easter surprise.

printable scavenger hunt cards

2. Golden Egg Hunt

Hunt for treasure with a special twist! Hide one or more golden eggs among a sea of regular eggs, each filled with exciting prizes or treats. As participants search, they’ll keep their eyes peeled for the golden eggs, racing to be the first to uncover the ultimate Easter treasure.

printable easter egg hunt card

3. Magical Easter Garden Hunt

Transform your backyard into a whimsical garden wonderland, complete with fairy lights, flowers, and butterfly decorations. Hide clues inside mini gardens or fairy houses, with hints written on tiny scrolls tucked into flower petals. Once participants have collected all the clues, encourage them to piece together the puzzle and solve the mystery of the Hunt.

printable easter scavenger hunt card

4. Easter Memory Game

Hide pairs of plastic eggs around the house, each containing a matching symbol or picture. Participants must use their memory skills to find matching pairs of symbols or pictures hidden inside plastic eggs. Successfully matching all pairs reveals the final clue, adding an exciting element of mystery and adventure to the game.

printable easter game card

5. Photo Scavenger Hunt

Say cheese and snap some photos with an Easter photo scavenger hunt. Give participants a list of exciting items or scenes to photograph, like a bunny, a basket of eggs, or a flowering tree. As they hunt down each item and capture it on camera, they’ll create a collection of special memories to cherish for years to come.

printable photo scavenger hunt card

Continue reading the full article and download the printable game cards on PlayTours Blog.




PlayTours is the best place to create outdoors and online Scavenger Hunts and Escape Rooms.