Please Don’t Touch My Boobs
2 min readMar 12, 2020
Don’t tell me to “just wait”

We checked out to Florida last min..My husband played iPad games on the plane ride yesterday and it brought along some thoughts..I’m not good at ipad games what so ever, sudoko, Tetris, bejeweled, or really any games that make you think hard in that forum..kinda makes me feel stupid sometimes..But today I was thinking harder than those games, and was reminded I’m so good at one game, the momma game. I know instantly when that girl needs a little more milk, I can hit a home run knowing when she needs a nap, or slam dunk the timings she want an extra snuggle. I earn the goody coins in this game knowing exactly when she is getting sick or wants something without saying a word or gibberish..momma intuition is such a real thing..My post a year ago to this day (love Facebook memories for this reason), talked ab how I was asked ab how good of a baby she was, I reflected so hard on that post after reading it. We have come so far with her early days, but in the grand scheme of things I’m feel so mother fing blessed to have gone through a colicky baby. Someone recently saw her “feisty” side, and said oh just wait til she is a mommas claws came out a little (not the white claw kind ha)..but I didn’t react, I soaked in that comment, and now I’ve decided I won’t wait…I am not going ever wait. I am going to embrace that spunk. I thought, how boring would it be if she didn’t have this fire in her? How mediocre would it be if she napped the minute I put her down? It wouldn’t be this life that I adore for so many reasons. So to the mommas that get told to wait, don’t. Never wait, soak that kid up like the sun will never set again..or like there’s no more toilet paper on the shelves bc some weird Mexican beer virus (kidding)..praise be to us all! Gonna go enjoy the sunshine state and my wild child now! Ttyl!