Officially a Bull

3 min readJul 26, 2021


Today, I’m extremely excited to announce that I’ve joined Bull Bitcoin as the new Head of Marketing.

Like many bitcoiners without finance or technical backgrounds, I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years wondering if there was anything I could do for bitcoin beyond stacking, hodling, and shitposting. As a moderately successful entrepreneur, I felt obligated to give my businesses the attention they deserved to fulfill their potential — but my heart was in bitcoin. I didn’t see any obvious opportunities so I spent my time growing my businesses, mining fiat, hanging out on Twitter, and holding the line — honourable jobs, no doubt.

In a bittersweet turn of events, Covid showed up and the world went insane. I’d been concerned for years by Western governments flirting with authoritarian impulses, but I just didn’t foresee a situation where they would mandate the closure of small businesses for up to 18 months to the benefit of big businesses and maintain popular support.

When I was younger I ran a couple of online businesses and found it deeply unfulfilling. I wanted to build things in the real world and interact with customers and communities in real life so I made a decision to pursue that path. I don’t regret that decision but, given that the lockdown tyranny has been entirely enabled by fiat — heroin being used to dull the senses of the masses — I’ll never open another physical business until fiat is dead. The bitter part is that my career hit a wall.

*This includes your time and energy*

Fwiw, as a pure philosopher, I only give Ayn Rand a 7/10. But, as a predictive historian, she deserves a 10 and sits at the top alongside Orwell and the Wachowskis. This is just as much an announcement that I’m going on strike from building in the fiat world as it is an announcement that I’ve found a way to contribute to the bitcoin world.

The sweet part is that I was in a position where I could wait patiently for the perfect opportunity — and that I found it.

My Role

Starting businesses, I learned quickly that a deep understanding of marketing is essential. I’ve developed a specific expertise in the type of low time preference marketing which is antithetical to the short-term-ROI-tracking-obsessed version of marketing that dominates today. There are two things I’ve observed to be essential:

- Authenticity is paramount.

- Everything is marketing.

In a marketing role, I can help an authentically good company who does things the right way leverage its goodness to grow… but marketing can’t help a bad business fix its badness.

Before I joined, I believed, as many reading this might, that Bull Bitcoin is the purest bitcoin company in the world. After two weeks with the company and a couple of full team meetings, I can tell you honestly, you have no idea… there are so many game-changing projects in the works and I’m so excited to be in charge of sharing them with you. This team is not larping as cypherpunks… when they see something that could be better, they write code. As a wannabe cypherpunk who can’t write code, it’s extremely exciting to find a way to contribute to a team like this.

The best part is, I can’t tell you how easy this makes my job. Orange pilling can only be done from a rock solid foundation and Bull Bitcoin’s uncompromising nature will enable me to do that.


